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DoWell on Finding Graveyard Theme Commanders.
5 years ago
Also Entomb + Reanimate or any other 1 or 2 drop reanimation spell causes some real anguish on your opponents. Dropping a high cost creature turn 2 is rude.
Sheoldred, Whispering One being my personal favorite for turn 2 tom foolery.
Fallerup on
Yeva Draw-Grow
5 years ago
so no Entomb + Reanimate combos in your meta I understand, this would get Iona out on turn 2 or something like that, but you already sad they mostly play blue so I guess you don't have this problem.
Asyriel on
6 years ago
I've been playing around with the other deck a bit, adding Entomb + Reanimate andPhyrexian Altar but there is no budget card I'm aware of for phyrexian altar. There are some for entomb if you feel like replacing Buried Alive. But Grave Pact + Nether Traitor + Phyrexian Altar and Dauthi Ghoul are great infinite combos. Just food for thought if you have the cash.
PhotogenicParasympathetic on Is Mono-Black Reanimator really viable?
8 years ago
If you get Entomb + Reanimate early on, never get Sheoldred, Whispering One. She's just not good in the early game, and she's still vulnerable to removal. Personally, I always get Rune-Scarred Demon to get a big threat + some extra gas for my next play, or, if I'm just looking to get a threat, Grave Titan is harder to answer (because killing it still leaves its zombies behind), and more potentially damaging to an opponent.
sadcowboy on
Protected and destroyed
8 years ago
Right. What you might want to do is add Entomb + Reanimate (Animate Dead and Buried Alive also work). While this doesn't get you Progenitus, it can get you Iona, Shield of Emeria, Void Winnower, Blazing Archon, Griselbrand, or even a Storm Crow.
Ramp is another option. Azusa, Lost but Seeking, Exploration, and Burgeoning all work. Also you can play mana dorks if you want. Birds of Paradise works as a mana dork.
Control could buy you some time as well. Counterspell, Go for the Throat, and Hero's Downfall work. Limiting the amount of draws, tutors, and infinite combos also is nice. Try Spirit of the Labyrinth, Leonin Arbiter, Aven Mindcensor, Eidolon of Rhetoric, and Rule of Law all are super annoying.
If you want consistency, try Gitaxian Probe. I hope this helps!
sadcowboy on
Avalynn's Angels
8 years ago
Firstly, I would drop everything with a 7+ mana cost (with the exception of Bruna). Iona, Avacyn, and Akroma are all powerful, but they are a bit too costly. Also, you are running one of each, so even if you do get to 7+ mana, you'd need to draw one and you don't have any ways to draw extra cards. If you plan on having something being your win-con, usually have 4+ ways to get it. If you really want to keep them, maybe add black and play Entomb + Reanimate ? Otherwise, Nevermore, Angel of Jubilation, Exalted Angel, and maybe Blinding Angel all seem good. I really like the addition of Knight of the White Orchid to an angel tribal deck!
ComboCrazy on
The Walking Dead (AMC)
8 years ago
Also Gravecrawler, Bloodghast, and Crypt Incursion. (and if you want to splurge a little, the infamous Entomb + Reanimate combo)
TheHelvault on
My First Legacy: B/W Reanimator
8 years ago
Well my first target for Entomb + Reanimate will always be Griselbrand.