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Ender666666 on
1 year ago
You're not wrong and I have struggled with that. I think it's an Evolve or Die thing though... Embracing Ephemerate + Grief seems the way to strip hands these days
darkmus on
Serra's Descendants, competitive Angel Tribal
3 years ago
FisterMantastic The vial thing I don't get how is always that bad for you because it tends to be great for me.
But for the rest, yeah, you are pretty unlucky, it seems that your local meta consist in mainly the decks we struggle most against, that's quite unfortunate. I guess you would have to work on the sideboard a lot. The SB in here needs a few changes for the actual meta, a few more creature removal to begin with.
Goblin combo (or any combo deck) is really hard for us. If there are a bunch of those Nevermore is probably our best side option to try to stop combos. Also fatal pushes on the side to take the snoop.
Jund unless they put Lili on turn 3 I don't tend to find it an specially difficult matchup, but like for the living end, put Rest in Peace on the side and that should be enough most of the times. If there are that many living ends around you maybe you even want some extra (and cheaper) graveyard hate to make sure it doesnt get though seized, Tormod's Crypt or Soul-Guide Lanternshould be able to do that job.
Ephemerate + Grief or Solitude (or anything that basically give us card disadvantage) hurts a ton. Shalai helps with that, but is a T4 play which many times is too slow. If you suffer that much against them you may want to put Leyline of Sanctity on the side, or double down in instant speed kill spells to make sure that at least you only get hit by each those once and not 2 or 3 times.
Affinitty doesn't tend to be hard for me, only sometimes because of Urza's Saga. Switch the Anguished Unmakings for Vindicates to help with that (I've done it, I should actualize this list, xD). Other than that it shouldn't be a problem with all the life gain. But you have a million "disenchant" effects in white if you feel like needing more hate.
Hammertime is a pretty hard match up specially on the draw. Double down on instant speed removal to kill its things while they are gettin equipped (mainly put a few pushes in the side)and hope you can stabilize before you die. Maybe even play Stony Silence even if having that doesn't totally stop them because of Sigarda's Aid. Bear in mind that we worry more about the trample in the Shadowspear than the hammer itself.
But yeah, I am sorry man, you have literally the worst meta possible to play this thing. I hope this helps a bit but you are in a tough area to play this. Mine is just the opposite, full of ultra aggressive decks that I can easily stomp.
I am happy at least you are finding this thing fun because I really think it's a super fun deck to play!
Good luck today, I hope it goes better!