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Aztraeuz on
Zur, The Multiplayer Control King
9 years ago
Vanishing is a great way to avoid Toxic Deluge or any other board wipe. That along with Stasis make it to where you want each of your lands producing mana. In that same line of thinking you could easily cut Orzhov Signet for Talisman of Dominance or Talisman of Progress.
I think your basics are low. A Blood Moon or similar card could easily give you hell.
Pemmin's Aura seems like a wasted spot. I would take it out for Phyresis. Some people like it with Zur, others don't. I prefer to have it because I find it is more consistent. You can get Zur to 10 really fast and don't have to worry about Countering any discard effects. I like to keep my mana open as long as possible because casting Counterspells can cut into my Stasis time. This would be a Meta decision though, it really depends on how much Discard you actually face.
I find that Ethereal Armor + Phyresis is very consistent and can be easier to maintain than Empyrial Armor + Necropotence . Ethereal Armor counts all Enchantments, not just Auras so that's important to note. Again it is just personal preference, you will have to see what you like. I still run both combos in my Zur deck.