MTG Combo: Eye of the Storm + Hive Mind

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bushido_man96 on Help me turn my casual …

8 years ago

Cool, thanks. I hope you aren't getting tired of me already. I'm asking a lot of questions about what most people likely see as basic knowledge, but its taking me a while to catch up.

Looking at Eye of the Storm + Hive Mind , it looks like you would play a spell, then the two bounce off each other. But Eye of the Storm requires a card, but Hive Mind doesn't. I'm missing something there. Does it make a spell go infinite?

I really like both ideas for Phelddagrif, but I think I like the Suture Priest and Dingus Staff idea more. If did one of each, that would be cool, but don't use too much of your time helping me figure out how to build decent decks. Take your time with it.

chaosumbreon87 on Help me turn my casual …

8 years ago

What do you mean by favored combo? there are really only 2 decks with pheldagriff. Both play as group hug.

Deck A: (more common)

  1. forced fruition- deck your opponents out

  2. Eye of the Storm + Hive Mind

  3. backup- Laboratory Maniac

Deck B: (rogue)1. Suture Priest+Pheldagriff's green ability

  1. Dingus Staff+Pheldagriff's green ability+boardwipe

  2. backup- pick a win condition from the deck A.

If you want after I remove the 9 extra cards from kruphix edh, i can brew together a pheldagriff deck of either plan. Just tell me which plan you like better.