MTG Combo: Ezuri, Claw of Progress + Sage of Hours


Regoober on Atraxa +1 +1 EDH

8 years ago

Ezuri, Claw of Progress + Sage of Hours For infinite turns @ 5 experience (You can proliferate Experience).

Cloud of Faeries + Deadeye Navigator means Infinite creature entries, which is good with Juniper Order Ranger or Cathars' Crusade Light life Combo with Essence Warden Or Soul Warden

I'm a huge fan of Finest Hour and/or Rafiq of the Many to get your commander swinging big (Also a nice combo with Archangel of Thune)

Ichor Rats Gets the ball rolling on infect for everybody without an attack required but hits you, too if you're Proliferating yourself. Nice late game with Deadeye Navigator If you want to knock out everybody with poison at once.

Eladamri's Call, Green Sun's Zenith, Chord of Calling, and Wargate Are all possibilities for getting the card you want when you want it.

The_Grape on My Ezuri 5.0

8 years ago

Please check out my new Ezuri edh deck. WE ARE THE GLORIOUS FUTURE

Earthcraft + Island + Shrieking Drake while Ezuri is on the board allows for infinite experience counters I believe.

Brawn might be useful for getting big counter-full creatures across with damage. My deck for example, gets out a lot of creatures and pumps them a ton, but getting damage across relies on flying and Elusive Krasis for me. Or, as you know, Ezuri, Claw of Progress + Sage of Hours for those beautiful infinite turns.

GS10 on

8 years ago

Hey! I'll leave a link to my Brago deck if you want to check it out:

Dead Ghost Resurrection

Commander / EDH GS10


I haven't tested a shell like this, but it seems to lack a bit of focus so I have a few suggestions for you to test in the future:

  • 47 lands is waaaaay too much. I run 40 in my mana hungry Omnath Deck and the only time I brought them all out was with a Splendid Reclamation on my last turn after being milled to death lol. I'd run 36 to 38 depending on the average cost and curve you end up with.

  • Probably you're running that many lands because you don't have any acceleration. I'd run things like Azorius Signet, Azorius Cluestone, Basalt Monolith, Sol Ring, Darksteel Ingot and Thran Dynamo at least, or any other combination of cheaper mana rocks, since you can use them all on your first main phase and blink them with Brago for double the use after combat. That also allows an infinite combo that I'll talk about later.

  • Brago's true power lies in repeated ETB Triggers. Heliod is the guy for vigilance, Brago's thing jin the long game is the ETB trigger toolbox. Look into cards like Mulldrifter, Sun Titan, Reflector Mage, Man-o'-War, Knight-Captain of Eos, Archaeomancer, Rishadan Brigand, Trinket Mage, Peregrine Drake, Cloud of Faeries and so on.

  • Vehicles seem underwhelming appart from Skysovereign, Consul Flagship, for the ETB trigger I went on about. Marshal's Anthem also does not take advantage from Brago Triggers (You'd rather plus Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, next turn ultimate him, blink it with Brago, plus him again on second main phase, next turn ultimate again and so on, for repeated Anthem effects if you want those)

  • There is a possible infinite combo win for Brago. The quickest route requires Sol Ring, Strionic Resonator and Altar of the Brood. Use Sol Ring to activate the Resonator on Brago's blink ability, blink them both with the copied ability (which resolves first), when they come into the battlefield, do it again copying the original Brago trigger which is still on the stack, and you can do that infinitely to mill everyone out with Altar of the Brood. If you don't want to mill, that interaction can generate everything from infinite mana, to infinite draw or infinite tokens, so it's just a matter of pick and choose. If you dislike infinite combos, you don't need them or you can play the pieces without going infinite (which is what I do most times), but I strongly recommend Strionic Resonator for extra blinks. And I'd loose the blink effect instants. I've tried them and they don't seem very impactful, since Brago does that well by himself.

  • Then I'd run either a manifest engine, or a bit of countermagic. Mastery of the Unseen, Lightform and Cloudform give you insane card and board advantage, but will sometimes waste you important instants and sorceries. I prefer countermagic and only run Cloudform + Lightform for the infinite combo. I suggest some like Counterspell, Render Silent, Rewind, Dissolve. Nothing x costed like Clash of Wills and hard counters mostly on 3, 4 mana max, depending on the added value you get from them. How many depend on how you feel you might need them. Personally I run 2, since I have a lot of ways to draw into them or bring them back from the grave.

Try some changes out, bit by bit ;) I've been playing Brago since June and I like it more and more, the more I tweak it. It's really fun and has probably one of the cheapest infinite combos available to it. (Probably on par with Ezuri, Claw of Progress + Sage of Hours most times)

Feel free if you have some questions. I'm no expert, but I'll be glad if I'm of any help.

PolarPack on

8 years ago

Wow, I just saw the Ezuri, Claw of Progress + Sage of Hours combo in there. That is bogus! Infinite turns once the sage and 4 other low level creatures are out. That's how you play solitaire! +1

Angry_Fister on Clockwork Elves

8 years ago

Ezuri, Claw of Progress + Sage of Hours is a combo I often try to include in my Simic decks.