MTG Combo: Faith of the Devoted + Midnight Oil

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Hobbez9186 on Hobbez9186

7 years ago

Still building new stuff and I haven't even tackled most of the new tribes of Ixalan.

In fact, I just finished a Cat tribal deck that runs a lot like the new Vampires. Cats don't drain life, but they do pretty much all have lifelink because of Regal Caracal and some of these cats get really big.

Check it out right meow:

Then I have another spin on the Faith of the Devoted + Midnight Oil combo from Deserts After Dark that tries it with white. This one is Mid-Range Control with a lot of removal and exile effects that helps lock out your opponent while you get set up.

Check that one out here:

Midnight Isolation

Standard Hobbez9186


I have some others in Standard and Modern that I'm kicking around. I'll post more when I get them straightened out. I'm intrigued by Merfolk after seeing some matches on MTGO. There aren't a ton of options since there hasn't been a Merfolk in Standard in a while so I'm going to have to get creative to stand out. Not sure if anyone has splashed black to give Winding Constrictor a go since they throw around a lot of +1/+1 counters. We'll see.