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Primusfan42 on Laboratory Maniac Control
8 years ago
You're deck might be okay if you are playing casual Magic. However, if you want to compete in tournaments, I doubt that the idea will work. The cards in the combo cost far too much mana to stall the game until you can cast it all, and you would really need more ways to dig through your library for it to be successful. Even if you do control the first game, sideboard can take care of your shenanigans. It is a cool interaction, but I would recommend making an EDH deck out of the combo. There are many different cards that have strong synergy with the foundation of your deck. For example, you could use Fathom Mage + Horizon Chimera + Sunbond the same way. It also works with Cryptolith Rite + Fathom Mage + Leech Bonder . Paradise Mantle, Multani's Harmony, Karametra's Favor, and Utopia Vow can all take the place of Cryptolith Rite here. It also makes the combo more manageable because you control all of the triggers. It may seem worse that I listed combos that require 4 cards, but you really only need the three that I mentioned because they allow you to draw and cast the Laboratory Maniac instead of going off immediately. It is easy to build budget decks for the Commander format, and it is generally less cutthroat and therefore less punishing to people who do not spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on their decks. However, if you want to keep it as a 60-card Modern deck, you should remove some of the copies of pieces to your combo and use Tooth and Nail to grab the cards that you need. Something like Reckless Scholar (but not necessarily the card in particular) would help you dig for the combo and set it off on your turn at instant speed instead of needing to wait until your draw step, thus removing your opponent's window for removal. You can cut Cancel to add the lands or better counters. Spell Snare is a powerful choice because there are so many 2-drops in Modern and because you can cast it for only 1 mana, meaning that you can almost always play a spell on your turn and save for this on their turn. Sadly, it is an expensive card in terms of money and may not cooperate with your budget. Now for the compliments: 1) I love the inclusion of Coiling Oracle. It is extremely underrated, and it makes me happy to see somebody using the card. 2) Your combo is cool, and I am sure that the deck will be exciting to play. 3) You are playing Bant, which is--in my opinion--the best color combination. Furthermore, you are playing the colors correctly--stall until you can pull off a quick win or grind out your opponent. I like the deck and think that it will be fun in casual games. But it needs some serious work and a monetary commitment if you want it to perform well in competitive situations. If you can clarify your goals and let me know which of my comments helped and which ones made no sense to you (if any), I will reply with more specific advice. We might even find a way to make it work in Modern while sticking to a budget. Good luck with the building.