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FenIsABasicSwamp on
Ayli: Eternal Sacrificing
8 years ago
If you didn't want to do infinite combos why do you have Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan in here with Ashnod's Altar? That makes infinite mana, which means you can sac Kokusho, the Evening Star or Gray Merchant of Asphodel infinitely to win with Nim Deathmantle. My point is, you can choose to not play 4+ black tutors and instead play fun synergistic combos including cards like Karmic Guide (I did read your request to not suggest it so I'm not, just mentioning it as an example) that may happen as a result of the rest of the deck working but you don't have to tutor for every game. Also, why no Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth ?
Firebones675 on
Life Gain Commander
8 years ago
Alhammarret's Archive seems great in your deck. Also as far as combos using effects like Necropotence/Wall of Blood + Tainted Sigil/Children of Korlis/Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim(if used with wall)+ (any affect that doubles how much life you gain)/(any affect that says when you gain life an opponent loses that much) allows you to do some fun stuff. Might not be for your deck but I run an ayli edh combo deck that has way too many infinite combos, most of which use a free sac outlet like Altar of Dementia and 2 other cards to do something infinitely (such as Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan ,(target titan with hunter, sac the hunter, bring back hunter, repeat) of which there are a surprising amount in black white.
Matrixxx999 on
Somebody Stop Me! v. 2.0
8 years ago
Here are the reasons why I use Fiend Hunter in this deck:
- It can be used in combinations to obtain infinite mana: Fiend Hunter + Karmic Guide + Phyrexian Altar - infinite mana / Fiend Hunter + Phyrexian Altar + Reveillark - infinite mana, you can add any creature with power - 2 or less to extend this combo / Fiend Hunter + Phyrexian Altar + Sun Titan - infinite mana
- It can be used in combinations to kill all opponents with Blasting Station: Fiend Hunter + Karmic Guide , Fiend Hunter + Reveillark , Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan
- It can be used with Flash to permanently exile target creature (you must place triggers on the stack in the correct order)
- It can be used to reuse ETB triggers of creatures (Gilded Drake etc.)
- It can be reanimated with Reveillark, and to transition in one of the combinations
- It is just a good removal tool by it self
rockmsockmhobo on
8 years ago
Some more combos that would work in this deck:
One of the most important aspects to this deck is redundancy. The fact that so many cards in here can substitute for one another makes the deck very resilient.
A classic combo is Blasting Station + Karmic Guide + Reveillark
Step 1: Sacrifice Karmic Guide to Blasting Station. Deal one damage.
Step 2: Sacrifice Reveillark to Blasting Station. When Reveillark leaves the battlefield, it returns Karmic Guide to the battlefield.
Step 3: Stack your triggers so Blasting Station untaps before Karmic Guide's ETB trigger resolves. This is important.
Step 4: Respond to Karmic Guide's ETB trigger by sacrificing it to Blasting Station. The ETB trigger then resolves, bringing Reveillark back to the battlefield, untapping Blasting Station.
Step 5: Restart the combo all over again and machine gun your opponents to death.
Consistency is achieved through redundancy.
Saffi Eriksdotter can replace Karmic Guide or Reveillark in the above combo.
Saffi Eriksdotter + Sun Titan achieves the same effect.
Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan achieves the same effect.
Fiend Hunter + Karmic Guide achieves the same effect.
Step 1: Get Boonweaver Giant into play, whether by casting it, reanimating it.Once the Giant enters the battlefield, you fetch Pattern of Rebirth.
Step 2: Sacrifice Boonweaver Giant through one of the many available sac outlets in this deck. Pattern of Rebirth's trigger goes onto the stack and you fetch Karmic Guide, reanimating Boonweaver, which in turn reanimates Pattern of Rebirth.
Step 3: Sac Boonweaver again, this time fetching Fiend Hunter to exile Karmic Guide.
Note: Depending on which sac outlet you have, Fiend Hunter and Karmic Guide automatically win (using Blasting Station). If you don't, move on to step 4.
Step 4: Sac Fiend Hunter bringing Karmic Guide back, reanimating Boonweaver Giant. Sac Karmic Guide, then Boonweaver and fetch Reveillark.
Step 5: Sacrifice Reveillark to reanimate Karmic Guide and Fiend Hunter. Karmic Guide reanimates Boonweaver Giant and Fiend Hunter then exiles Karmic Guide.
You now have a loop that lets you search your library for every creature and put them onto the battlefield.