MTG Combo: Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe


Syntax_Errors on Hand of Keranos

8 years ago

Though, after thinking about it, Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe got cut from my deck long before I added Harness the Storm. being able to recast my discarded spells might actually work out mid/late game. I might have to revisit that idea.

Syntax_Errors on Hand of Keranos

8 years ago

I love the Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe combo, the duel spell cast triggering my effects is always awesome. But I found that in this deck if I don't have both cards in hand I loss out on too much card advantage unless I'm mana flooded. Also the Fiery Temper gets too expensive when being re-cast using Harness the Storm. Borrowed Hostility, however, would be a fun card to re-cast from the graveyard. Thanks for the suggestion.

Laszlokh on Hand of Keranos

8 years ago

It seems like the Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe interaction would work better than Fall of the Titans or Harnessed Lightning. If you want to get super aggro, you can play Borrowed Hostility and Expedite instead.

Xanimus on U/R Dinner Vault

8 years ago


This deck has very few cards that cost above 3 mana, so personally I don't find the land a problem. Would adding more lands be just for consistency, or to be able to cast those higher cost cards earlier?

I personally find that using energy counters requires a the whole deck to be built towards the concept, so adding just 3 or so cards that generate/use energy counters doesn't seem particularly useful, but I definitely get where your coming from. Revolutionary Rebuff would be really useful, but perhaps a card like Convolute would fit better? For just a single mana extra it forces them to either waste 4 and cast it or just let it be countered.

As for the Contingency Plan 's, I agree with you in that I should take them out. This is in no way a delirium deck by any stretch of the imagination. The reason why I like Take Inventory though is because the value it provides for its cost increases the more you cast it. There aren't any other cards in standard at the moment that run at instant speed, aside from Fevered Visions which also allows the opponent to dig deeper through their deck, which personally, isn't desirable. Take Inventory is just there because there's nothing else pretty much.

Lightning Axe is an amazing card, and being at a one card disadvantage isn't really a problem for the value you get out of the card. Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe is a really good combo, with a damage output of 8 for the cost of 2 mana. Incendiary Flow is supposed to be on the sideboard, but I'm mainboarding it just because no one seems to have any Fiery Temper 's at my LGS, which is really weird (I only have 2, Incendiary Flow is a place holder for now).

Boiling Earth is another card I'm going to sideboard, it provides incredible value and shuts down vehicle decks really fast. Imprisoned in the Moon is also gonna be sideboarded, as you suggested.

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets is an all round type planeswalker, and in reality he's just the best I've got, Chandra, Torch of Defiance is just too expensive for me right now, and I'm not 100% willing to make the investment into one card, perhaps in the coming month's I'll buy a couple when the price is lower.

As for creatures, the thing is, I need a way to actually kill my opponent. Goblin Dark-Dwellers is good, but it doesn't let me kill my opponents. Copying a spell from graveyard and casting it at sorcery speed isn't really that useful, and same goes for Torrential Gearhulk , which don't get me wrong is a good card, but isn't suited in my opinion to this deck. Thing in the Ice  Flip and Thermo-Alchemist fit perfectly with the other cards in here, and I'll probably keep them in because I personally find them amazing.

Brofessor_X on Speedway Fanatics

8 years ago

I agree with Argeaux... It's far too early to tell if R/W Vehicles will be the deck to beat. It is a very strong aggro deck, but there are answers. Especially once people start side boarding or main decking answers.

Fragmentize, Lost Legacy and a few others are pretty cheap and easy removal of vehicles. Also - with Chandra, people are playing heavy burn decks. Seeing people play an escalated Collective Defiance or Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe is a recipe for disaster for vehicles. With cards like Grasp of Darkness, Murder and Unsubstantiate still around, people will have plenty of ways to control your vehicles to an extent.

The real powerhouse, once people start figuring out the crazy combos, is going to be Energy. There's no way to lose energy, until you spend it. I've seen some play testing where guys/gals can get lots of energy very quickly and play Emrakul, the Promised End by turn 4 or 5 with Aetherworks Marvel.

Nosoup4ne1 on Blue - Red Summonings

8 years ago

When I saw Metallurgic Summonings spoiled I wanted to build a deck around it. I think Harness the Storm could be a more useful play than Torrential Gearhulk, it also activates each copy of the spell in your graveyard. So, it can give you a lot of card advantage. Also, Trail of Evidence could make for more card advantage. I would drop Anticipate, Glimmer of Genius, and Confirm Suspicions for a solid burn/control package. Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe is one of my favorite combos and you can't get better value in burn than Collective Defiance. With Fevered Visions hopefully shocking your opponent each turn, you could make that easier with Unsubstantiate or the even better Compelling Deterrence. I look forward to seeing how this deck develops. Great idea!

Kurremkarmerruk on A Harmless-Goldnight-Goggles Combo

8 years ago


And finally, G/W is definitely an issue. Actually, a lot of decks are an issue! I don't know why this deck climbed the ranks on here. I have to use a very risky strategy: I have to let my opponent's creatures stay on the field so I can just focus on their life points. That's the gamble that makes this deck work as mono-red. I like it because I built it, but I don't know how good it really is if I go for a longer game.

When I first built this as mono-red, it was strictly a Goldnight-Harmless combo with the vessels for ramp. Someone suggested the Goggles and I thought that would be fun, but to make room, I took out two Harmless cards. In retrospect, yeah, I rarely pull the Goldnight-Harmless combo now. I'll fix that. (Goodbye, Goggles.)

So, I think I'd rather take out the goggles and focus more on the trade and burn side of this brew. Simplicity is key.

I like Lightning Axe and Shreds of Sanity as outlets for something like Fiery Temper, but it wouldn't be enough to justify that move, I don't think. An early build also used Village Messenger  Flip to hit early and get the menace, but my own deck kept flipping it back. Lightning Berserker definitely has potential. There used to be a few more dragons to justify Draconic Roar, but the truth is I don't mind playing it as a two-drop that only removes a creature. If I don't have a dragon, I don't have a dragon. It's about the only card I quickly play for straight creature removal. But Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe would be sweet to have in here.

Thanks for the extensive feedback and ideas. I do think Goldnight Castigator + Harmless Offering is a good idea. It still needs work though.

TheRedGoat on

8 years ago

@TheEmgee Deathtrap12 may be on to something with Harmless Offering. If you set yourself up right then you could use the gift so that the phobia triggers an additional time in quick succession. It is by no means a fast combo, but you might be able to get away with it and have Demonic Pact at the same time.

Truthfully though you probably shouldn't bother going 3 colors unless green is one of them given the costs of most of the spells you're already running. The way I see it is that the actual base of your deck idea is mono black control, but depending on your meta/personal playstyle you may wish to splash other colors.

For instance, a purely U/B variant would be running counter spells for opposing control cards and the Turn to Frog combo you've mentioned (and a Compelling Deterrence if you run the Pact).

However, a purely R/B one would be more destructive against creature-centric decks, as you could include plays like Harmless Offering + Priest of the Blood Rite ) after you use board wiping effects like Languish.

Even W/B offers a unique take with Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim + Felidar Sovereign + Tree of Perdition for a life gain win (and again a card like Angelic Purge to deal with the Pact if needed).

G/B I'd say is the traditional route though because of all the Delirium synergy you'd gain, thus the Phobia win might be better able to hide in the background (and the Pact should likely be left out for the delirium synergy cards).

Personally I'm not capable of building just one style, hence all the variations I mentioned above, but if you feel you just really want to pull off a Grixis color Phobia deck then bare minimum you need to put in Nahiri's Wrath if you just splash colors and/or run the Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe pair. The former is a new, albeit kinda odd, boardwipe and the latter can burn a creature for 8 or for 5 and a player for 3. Which is quite adept I think at getting that last bit of damage in that you were looking for.