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ToastedBagl on
The Necrobloom
7 months ago
I see you too are a man of class!
Things I recommend in this archetype/color combo (since you're dredging!):
Genesis, Unburial Rites, Perennial Behemoth, Reap and Sow, Filth + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth , Cabal Coffers, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Brawn, Field of Ruin and/or Wasteland and/or GhostQuarter, Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar, Riftstone Portal, Wrenn and Seven, Zask, Skittering Swarmlord, Lotus Field
Darsul on
Thought and Talon
1 year ago
If your looking for input and/or Suggestions you need to help us out and give and ideal what your looking for. Raffine, Scheming Seer is a great open ended commander that it's hard to help out w/out know the direction you aiming for. That said, what I found/find out with my deck and no matter how you play him you want to be attacking every turn, this tends to leave you open on the back swing so War Tax cards like Propaganda and Ghostly Prison or flip side play things like Heliod, God of the Sun and Odric, Lunarch Marshal (+ Vigilance toon out). Long story short your deck looks weak to the crack back.
Another thing I find is the Wonder is < Filth + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
. Most of your team is sporting fly as is.
As for real suggestions how do you want to take him? +1/+1 you could play cards like Tenured Inkcaster or Oona's Blackguard
Reanimator Unburial Rites or Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator
Discard Bone Miser or Faith of the Devoted
wheel Queza, Augur of Agonies or Feast of Sanity
anyway, cheers and GL
Trveheimer on
Skullbriar Super-Aggro
4 years ago
you should absolutely run The Ozolith in my opinion, it is just too juicy to not do it. I also would suggest Evolutionary Escalation because in your deck it will always be stronger for you. If you run several other creatures that enter the battlefield with counters like Reyhan, consider Kalonian Hydra.
Another two aspects i based my own deck around are the new keyword counters, Titanoth Rex, Slippery Bogbonder, Daring Fiendbonder or just any of the cards from Ikoria and folloeing that give keywoard-counter are worth considering. I ran Unspeakable Symbol in my deck and having a lifelink counter on skullbriar was a very fun interaction with it.
I also think going with cheap graveyard revival like Animate Dead, Call of the Death-Dweller or Reanimate Unearth you can avoid losing rounds to recasting Skullbriar, and ofc this can be used on other Etb stuff as well.
I run Filth + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to get unblockable without mana investment. I think your deck is overall cool but has a few high cmc cards that dont exactly help the tempo of your deck, in my playgroup i can't do much in the later game so i tried to be faster, so most of my hints aim at speeding you up. hope my comment helps, leaving a thumbs up
flai53 on
Rapid Resonator Reduction
5 years ago
ok .Lets see.
at first I would change Vraska the Unseen with Vraska, Golgari Queen , she cost less Mana and you can use the other abilits not just the last.
you need thins that made your creatures Unblockable f.e. Whispersilk Cloak or Lure . If you got a lot of creatures or +1/+1 counters you could play Champion of Lambholt .
Archfiend of Despair is extrem expenssiv but fits perfectly to the topic.
you could cut:
- Yahenni's Expertise (it is not very effective a massremovle and hits to much of your creatures)
- Blessing of Leeches regenerate is not so strong, maybe switch it wich Darksteel Plate
- Guul Draz Assassin takes to long and to much Mana until he works
- you have a lot of creatuers how need to be blocked maybe you can the most expensive one for Lure
Guerrilla on
Xantcha My New Bae
6 years ago
~~~ Brainstorming via Text ~~~
I hope this is all helpful for you! :)
I really like the use of Oppression here. Geth's Grimoire might be a powerhouse for you, especially if you include Words of Waste to go with it.
I tend to play decks that play the player and tend to flow in a more asymmetrical way to the game; so I like to use cards such as Altar of the Brood and Mindcrank as a form of pre-removal.
Using red, you have access to many of the overlooked cards in the mental game of magic. Avarice Totem, Custody Battle and Fractured Loyalty can become game changers in and of themselves. Avarice Totem with Pithing Needle can be quite fun.
I think that Jinxed Choker deserves a spot here, and that you could consider some additional hidden gems such as Vampiric Spirit or Basilisk Collar in here with some of your "passive pingers" such as Harsh Mentor, Xantcha, Sleeper Agent or even Sleeper Agent herself, etc.
Some other great options would be cards that encourage your opponents to make bad decisions - I usually try to not beat the deck but the opponent in magic, so cards such as Pain's Reward and Choice of Damnations can be a house depending on how well you play the game and the opponent.
I would always include a Glacial Chasm with a way to fetch it.
I would confuse your opponent by being friendly with some cards such as Abyssal Persecutor and cards of the like.
You're not trying to help the other players win, you're owning your opponents without them realizing it.
Curses seem great here. I would use the softer curses such as Curse of Opulence and Curse of Vengeance (the best life insurance policy in the game, IMO)...
You have access to Norin the Wary, that always sparks options...
You have access to political time bombs such as Impending Disaster being in Red.
Since you're already running the Planar Void, might as well throw in the Helm of Obedience win to go with it.
Since we're in black, Priest of Yawgmoth with Spine of Ish Sah seems great. That might spark some interest in sacking things. You will have access to Goblin Welder... so there's that.
No matter what you do, I would auto-include Claws of Gix, a Scroll Rack, and a Sensei's Divining Top, consider maybe some shadow cards - just type the word "Dauthi" into and see what comes up... that might lead to some ideas with equipment such as Explorer's Scope and/or Trepanation Blade (two cards that are incredibly underrated IMO)...
If you keep your dudes low in power, you could consider a Meekstone and an Icy Manipulator as a soft/old-school wall for yourself (though it would stop Xantcha from doing her work). If the Icy is there... there's always Winter Orb - who doesn't miss that?? :)
Lots of choices here...
Maybe stealing equipment would be a thing you'd enjoy... you know there's always "that guy" that runs "those cards" all the time... Red is all about that.
Another idea: Mox Monkey: Gorilla Shaman with a Mycosynth Lattice seems really fun.
Or... Electrickery + Kormus Bell + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth would be fun.
If you're feeling aggro-y, Filth + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth seem strong.
If you can get your hands on it, Word of Command fits the flavor of this deck well...
Maybe you could include a Wish Board with Burning Wish or Death Wish... in fact, you could keep the weird political theme going with a suicide life swap build with that black tree: Tree of Perdition and/or Soul Conduit.
I'm just spouting off ideas - I plan to make a deck with her when I get some free time. :)
Very cool start here and again, I hope all of this is helpful to you!
Catgroove on
8 years ago
Thoughts on Brawn and or Filth + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth ?