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Valius on
Spicy Toe Beans
7 years ago
Alright, so I just came back from a League night where I won both matches. Surprising all-star? Fleecemane Lion + Worldslayer . That was what won me both of my pods. I am never taking them out again, lol. No more R.I.P. Worldslayer, it's officially alive and kicking again!
I need a bit more ramp, but I trading like $90 worth of stuff last night to get some mana fixing in, as well as a Blade of Selves. Just have to figure out where to put them.
I initially had Ajani, Valiant Protector in for his +1 auto-find a creature, but I never once played him. Taking him out for some ramp. But overall, super happy with the current build.