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Nekusar, the Mindrazer EDH: Drawn to Death
6 years ago
packwolf99, thanks for the suggestions. My issue with the Fleet Swallower + Fraying Sanity combo is that I can only hit one player with that before someone wipes out either the Fleet Swallower or the Fraying Sanity. While most certainly a fun combo, it seems a little fragile and constricted. I'm not sure if Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh would be a good choice in the deck. He's got a pretty steep mana cost, and his abilities don't really jive with the rest of my deck. Sure, he gives some decent control, and his ultimate ability is neat, but it has nothing to do with drawing cards and dealing damage, which is the theme I tried to have most of my deck follow.
Thanks again for the recommendations, but I think some of these milling antics might be better suited in my The Scarab God deck, since that deck is all about thrills, chills, and mills. Thanks for the opinions though!