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Primusfan42 on
8 years ago
Ihazadeck: Dude, that rocks. I listen to Primus every day, and I own all of their full-length albums. Is it worth running AEther Vial? I thought about it, but the popular Hatebears strategy seems to use it for Flickerwisp + Wasteland Strangler , which obviously isn't in this deck.
Ohthenoises on [Community Discussion]: Modern Chat
8 years ago
U Tron with Spell Burst is hilarious in the late game.
If you really wanted to beat remand why not vial in something like Grand Abolisher?
In other news, how do people feel about eldrazi and taxes in the current meta? Thalia plays a mean game against control and Leonin Arbiter makes tri color decks cry a bit. Combined with the late game of stuff like Flickerwisp + Wasteland Strangler and Reality Smasher and it's been great to test so far.
ducttapedeckbox I've been playing U tron splash W for Thopter Foundry (had to drop some redundant pieces to make it work but I'm fairly happy with it so far) and I can let you know, the thopter sword combo makes the burn and affinity matchup better than a coinflip. I'd say about 60% in favor in both cases.
Infect is still a problem, as is boggles but eh.