MTG Combo: Food Chain + Thrasta, Tempest's Roar

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ninja8244 on Thrasta's Storm Primer

3 years ago

Hi Profet93 great questions! Let's break it down.

  1. Recycle is used for card draw once you have the Food Chain + Thrasta, Tempest's Roar combo going. It allows you to go through your deck really fast. It 100% should not be played before then or else you are going to fall behind fast.

  2. I Gemstone Caverns for the same reason somebody might put Chrome Mox in their deck, free mana. the reason I chose Gemstone Caverns over Chrome Mox is because of artifact hate.

  3. Elvish Spirit Guide has been super useful a couple of times. The one green mana can make all the difference depending on the scenario.

  4. So, in CEDH 90% of the decks I go against have blue and black in them. Blue is super good against this deck because counterspells can totally ruin our combos. Choke is primarily good because most of the decks that run blue run it via dual lands or shock lands, because of this for example they may be also cut off of black if all they have are Underground Sea s and cards of the sort.