MTG Combo: Forbidden Orchard + Illness in the Ranks

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MrKillStar on Victory or Seppuku

4 years ago

Pretty interesting deck :3
I could suggest:
Massacre Wurm - small-scale boardwipe (+Sudden Spoiling); MW also supports your Forbidden Orchard + Illness in the Ranks to slowly drain your opponents out.
Liliana of the Dark Realms - Her ultimate would help you a lot to cast big Exsanguinate/Torment of Hailfire. It might not always work, but you can at least fetch few swamps out of the deck.
Lake of the Dead - A bit pricey land from Reserved List, but it might help a lot aswell.
Grim Return - This could be good, when your commander kills something, just cast this, stealth the killed creature and re-do it next turn? Maybe.. just maybe.
Bloodcurdling Scream/Howl from Beyond - Ramp up, cast this and swing for lethal c.dmg with Umezawa?
Tainted Strike - Sneaky infect? Also insant for only one !
Big black spells with X? Consume Spirit - any target with lifesteal; Damnable Pact - possible card draw or finisher;Death Cloud - big mean cloud!; Death Wind - single target version of Black Sun's Zenith; Profane Command - this card is just great.

Black Market can be silly on its own, even sillier in token decks though... I personally buff it even more with Desecrated Tomb + Tortured Existence (+Phyrexian Altar to go infinite etb/etg triggers). I think any deck running black could use Tortured Existence, just to recover any creature from your graveyard you need at the moment and/or for madness.