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ShaDoWz_6677 on
Estrid is Staxy
5 years ago
Permafrost I use Force Bubble + Solemnity in my Yojimbo EDH. It's a house
Dr.Crust on
Gisela, the broken commander.
7 years ago
Ginganinga67 Thanks for comment mate, the missing cards were lands haha, idk why. Btw, Ensnaring Bridge can be replaced with any protective spell like Ghostly Prison, Sphere of Safety, a cheap combo with Juntu Stakes + Meekstone and creature control with any creature, If the meta in your mtg world have long games, Overwhelming Splendor can be a reliable option to control a massive board deck like . I have in mind put Force Bubble + Solemnity but idk im not sure if it would work in my meta. I used Static Orb to control creatures but it turned against my own in a multiplayer game :(.
Tell me what you think about my ideas :3
Have a good time bro!