MTG Combo: Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth

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clayperce on

9 years ago

It's always great to see another Rith deck here on T/O, and yours looks really fun.

A few quick thoughts:

Your deck kind of lies between two decks of mine: Smashface Gardening w/ Rith and Sandbagging w/ Hazezon ... please feel free to drop by either anytime!

Draw well!

clayperce on Rith & The Swarm

9 years ago

It's always fun to see another Rith deck, and I like your build.+1, especially for bringing Primeval Bounty and Mayael's Aria to my attention -- thanks!

A few thoughts ...

My Rith deck's over at Smashface Gardening w/ Rith (EDH Dragons); if you get a chance, I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have on it!

clayperce on Rith

9 years ago

Looks like an extremely fun deck, Minomelo!

I run a very different Rith, so have only a few thoughts ...

If you get a chance, my Rith is over at Smashface Gardening w/ Rith (EDH Dragons); I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have!

clayperce on Gonna Run out of Dice for this one.

9 years ago

+1/+1! :-)
And I love the title too!

A couple quick thoughts:

clayperce on Bloodthirsty Garden

9 years ago

What a cool deck, NecroPony! I can safely say this is the best Thelon deck I've even seen in my life :-D
+1 for all the Saproling-lovin'!

A few random thoughts:

clayperce on Dosan's Public Service Announcement: "No."

9 years ago

Awesome deck, canterlotguardian!
Evil, but awesome.

clayperce on Ring Around the Rosey...

9 years ago

A very cool deck, Raging_Squiggle!
(You gotta realize I pretty much hate Golgari and am not at all happy about "the Meren problem" which C15 has inflicted on all of us not in those colors! :-) But I can't deny a deck the +1 it deserves ...)

And at the risk of making it even worse, have you looked at Forgotten Ancient? I love me some Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth , so I often take note when someone's running one but not the other. Seems like it might go well with your Retribution of the Ancients and Ghoulcaller Gisa as well.