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clayperce on
9 years ago
It's always great to see another Rith deck here on T/O, and yours looks really fun.
A few quick thoughts:
- You've got good Artifact and Enchantment removal, but Artifact Mutation, Aura Mutation, and Aura Shards are extra fun with Rith.
- I'm not sure how your group feels about infinite combos, but if you're running Sprout Swarm and Sporemound anyways, you might consider Mana Echoes + Sprout Swarm and, if you're feeling lucky, Life and Limb + Sporemound .
- Pandemonium can be really dangerous ... no way would I run it with my group, but good on ya if you can!
- Forgotten Ancient maybe? I love it as either Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth or Champion of Lambholt + Forgotten Ancient
Your deck kind of lies between two decks of mine: Smashface Gardening w/ Rith and Sandbagging w/ Hazezon ... please feel free to drop by either anytime!
Draw well!
clayperce on
Rith & The Swarm
9 years ago
It's always fun to see another Rith deck, and I like your build.+1, especially for bringing Primeval Bounty and Mayael's Aria to my attention -- thanks!
A few thoughts ...
- Have you looked at Artifact Mutation or Aura Mutation vs. Wear / Tear? I love the versatility of the split card, but I found I could play one of the mutations and sideboard the other pretty easily, with added Saproling value. It worked out well enough, that I'm now running both. May not work in your meta, but I wanted to mention.
- Maybe I'm missing a combo somewhere, but I'm not sure about the Illusionist's Bracers at all. It combos with Elder of Laurels and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice's second ability, but I think that's about it. I rec' a Strionic Resonator instead, mostly for Rith, the Awakener + Strionic Resonator of course, but for your other "when, whenever, or at" cards as well.
- I'm not if there'd be enough synergy to justify the slot, but maybe a Forgotten Ancient? I love Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth , and it might work great with your Mayael's Aria as well.
- Not sure about the Kazandu Tuskcaller. 6 mana for a 1/1 and a vanilla 3/3 seems kinda pricey.
My Rith deck's over at Smashface Gardening w/ Rith (EDH Dragons); if you get a chance, I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have on it!
clayperce on
9 years ago
Looks like an extremely fun deck, Minomelo!
I run a very different Rith, so have only a few thoughts ...
- Maybe a Forgotten Ancient? It may not have enough synergy in your deck to justify the slot, but I love Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth :-)
- I like a little more Voltron, to make sure Rith can connect. My favorites lately are Spirit Mantle, Unquestioned Authority, and Trailblazer's Boots.
If you get a chance, my Rith is over at Smashface Gardening w/ Rith (EDH Dragons); I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have!
clayperce on
Gonna Run out of Dice for this one.
9 years ago
+1/+1! :-)
And I love the title too!
A couple quick thoughts:
- I'm not a big Primal Vigor fan. It's just way too much group hug for my tastes (at least in my meta). It's pricey, but maybe a Doubling Season instead? Though frankly, DS gets hated out so quickly I'm not a huge fan of it either ...
- Forgotten Ancient maybe? I love me some Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth , so tend to notice when someone's running one but not the other. I like the idea of him with your Experiment Kraj, Hangarback Walker, and Fathom Mage too.
- If you've got enough mana to use it, maybe some more untap effects? I really like Murkfiend Liege and Quest for Renewal (the Prophet's great, but she's become kind of kill-on-sight in my group, so I actually like these better). Or for a different approach, maybe a doubler like Illusionist's Bracers or Rings of Brighthearth?
- I'm normally not a huge Planeswalker fan, but with all those counters flying around, there might be some worth adding ...
clayperce on
Bloodthirsty Garden
9 years ago
What a cool deck, NecroPony! I can safely say this is the best Thelon deck I've even seen in my life :-D
+1 for all the Saproling-lovin'!
A few random thoughts:
- I'm kind of surprised to not see Skullclamp.
- Forgotten Ancient maybe? I love Forgotten Ancient
so I tend to notice when folks play one but not the other. It'd be nice with your Corpsejack Menace and Fungal Sprouting too.
- With the +1/+1s, Thallids, and Planeswalkers, I really like your Proliferators. A couple more options: Grim Affliction and Spread the Sickness.
- And how about a Riftsweeper? Not really because you may have any cards you'd want to get back from Exile, but just so everyone can be all, "You can get cards back from exile?!?" :-)
clayperce on
Dosan's Public Service Announcement: "No."
9 years ago
Awesome deck, canterlotguardian!
Evil, but awesome.
- Verdant Confluence, maybe?
- Your Seedborn Muse and "too much ramp" problem makes me think: Maybe a Winding Canyons or Vedalken Orrery? I've become a huge Canyons fan lately, as it doesn't take a spell slot ...
- Not sure there's enough synergy to justify the slot, but maybe a Forgotten Ancient? (I love Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth , so I often notice when folk have one but not the other).
clayperce on
Ring Around the Rosey...
9 years ago
A very cool deck, Raging_Squiggle!
(You gotta realize I pretty much hate Golgari and am not at all happy about "the Meren problem" which C15 has inflicted on all of us not in those colors! :-) But I can't deny a deck the +1 it deserves ...)
And at the risk of making it even worse, have you looked at Forgotten Ancient? I love me some Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth , so I often take note when someone's running one but not the other. Seems like it might go well with your Retribution of the Ancients and Ghoulcaller Gisa as well.
clayperce on
Ghave, Guru of Spores EDH - Value Combos
9 years ago
Forgotten Ancient, for your maybeboard. I love me some Forgotten Ancient + Ghave, Guru of Spores , Forgotten Ancient + Mycoloth , and Bloodspore Thrinax + Forgotten Ancient .