MTG Combo: Gearshift Ace + Ovalchase Dragster

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RmaGdn on Mardu vehicles/destroy

7 years ago

Gearshift Ace + Ovalchase Dragster oh and this is the f**king dream.

Glassfield on Servo Smash-Down

8 years ago

I don't have much experience in this but I am currently tinkering with a servo lord strategy, so here's my take:

In general, the deck needs to run more copies of cards and not so many 2s and 1 ofs. Ride Down and Chief of the Foundry are good candidates to increase the numbers of, but you should play the deck and figure out what you like in it or what's not working and go from there.

Deadlock Trap, I'm not sure how I feel about that since this isn't an energy deck. Key to the City might be better for your early game and late game you can discard lands and dig through your deck a bit quicker if it becomes a game of top decking and you have the board clogged.

Servo Exhibition should be played over Cogworker's Puzzleknot, less mana for the same effect and the required white mana nor the fact it comes out as an artifact really warrents running it over the spell.

Start Your Engines if you want to keep it might be better as Inspired Charge. The card trades off animating vehicles for +1 toughness and instant speed. Since you only have 4 vehicles and the card right now is a 1 of, it doesn't seem so useful.

Snare Thopter fits in nicely and curves with Master Trinketeer.

You should be playing one drops like Toolcraft Exemplar, Inventor's Apprentice or Bomat Courier. You don't have anything higher than a four drop so you need to lay the pressure fast.

Gearshift Ace + Ovalchase Dragster could be interesting if you want to move some things around and still keep some focus on vehicles. The dragster is always going to be pilotable by servos so it's still good synergy around.

I use Welding Sparks and it constantly does a great job of keeping your advantage. Not great if you've been boardwiped but it can take out pretty much anything that coulf be played in the window of you winning if you have your lilely board presence.

You land base looks like it needs more mountains. Eight sources seems rather low when you're running Veteran Motorist and most always want to be playing him turn 2 when you have him.

The only problem is that boardwipes and any mass removal really puts a damper on the deck. Archangel Avacyn  Flip and Selfless Spirit aren't exactly budget. Maybe Eerie Interlude?

Just my thoughts all jambled up. I like the deck.