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-Bean- on
Jeskai Fog
8 years ago
Fateful Showdown seems great here -- it can deal 5-6 damage reasonably often and seems really powerful with both Fevered Visions and Torrential Gearhulk. I'm also going to say that Ceremonious Rejection seems like a definite sideboard card. Sure, some decks will have colorless cards, but against a GW Gideon, Ally of Zendikar + Nissa, Voice of Zendikar deck, or a Thalia's Lieutenant deck, or other Fevered Visions burn decks, or planeswalker control decks, it's completely dead. I would try to avoid maindecking a card like that.
Calprith on
U/B Zombie
8 years ago
I would take out two Sleep Paralysis because they are extremely expensive and there are other cards that do better for cheaper. In their place I would put in two Compelling Deterrence. Its an instant speed spell which will almost always have them discarding a card. If they have no cards in hand they will have to discard the creature that you just returned to their hand. This will get rid of many hard to kill creatures in standard right now. Dead Weight and Containment Membrane are awesome, but I would suggest side boarding them because they don't have an answer for tokens like other zombies decks, spirits, or the Gideon, Ally of Zendikar + Nissa, Voice of Zendikar Combo. Every deck that runs blue in standard should also side board at least one Invasive Surgery in my opinion. you Also might consider Trail of Evidence but I don't think there as necessary as the other revisions since you aren't focusing on clues. Defiantly Consider Gisa's Bidding instead of Drownyard Explorers. I love the idea of getting Ghoulsteed onto the battlefield for three so one more of those and one less Hound of the Farbogs put in three more lands and take out the rest of the Hound of the Farbogs. You will want to pour mana into X spells and 20 lands is hardly enough to run a deck with an average converted mana cost of three (your deck is even more expensive than that). One more Corpse Churn and Macabre Waltz and take out the Dutiful Return. You have better stuff to do on turn four than revive one, two, and three drops from your graveyard. Side bored the To the Slaughter and put in another Diregraf Colossus you will need enchantments in your mainbored for delirium procks so I suggest taking out the three Rottenheart Ghoul and putting in two Vessel of Malignity and one Sinister Concoction Also take out one Rancid Rats to put in one more Sinister Concoction. Your sidebored has six cards right now
2x Dead Weight2x Containment Membrane1x To the Slaughter1x Invasive Surgery
This gives you 9 more slots in your sidebored that i highly suggest using. :)
Creatures (20) Sorcery (7) Instant (6) Enchantment (4) Lands (23)
2x Crow of Dark Tidings 1x From Under the Floorboards 1x Catalog3x Diregraf Colossus 2x Macabre Waltz 1x Confirm Suspicions2x Drunau Corpse Trawler 1x Pore Over the Pages 2x Corpse Churn2x Ghoulsteed 1x Rise from the Tides 2x Compelling Deterrence 2x Lamplighter of Selhoff 1x Ugin's Insight 1x Rancid Rats 1x Gisa's Bidding 3x Walking Corpse 2x Stitched Mangler 2x Vessel of Malignity 3x Choked Estuary 2x Sinister Concoction 9x Islands 11x swamps
I think you will rock your FNM with these revisions, and i wish you good luck.