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DeathCheese763 on
Exponential Power Growth
8 years ago
@unos Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower would require 2 Kiora's Followers because kiora's follower says "another target permanent."Animation Module seems like a good choice but ultimately would slow the deck, because Gilder Bairn + Paradise Mantle + Training Grounds already creates an infinite tap effect. I'm using fungi so I don't have to worry about getting through with a infinite/infinite creature.Putting these combos in could help the deck work when I don't get the three card combo, but the card space is better used to find the combo with cards like Intuition + Parallel Thoughts + Temple of Mystery .
EddCrawley on Commander 2015
9 years ago
I bought the UG Ezuri, Claw of Progress and immediately swithed out about 12 cards, and took it to A casual game day at my LGS, and it went 2-0, mostly due to Sage of Hours and recursion of Eternal Witness and Verdant Confluence, plus card draw of Fathom Mage, with added life gain of Horizon Chimera, then there was the synergy of Hangarback Walker with Vorel of the Hull Clade
please see my current deck list;
Ezuri, Claw of Infinite +1/+1's
Commander / EDH
For added chuckles...