MTG Combo: Glimpse the Sun God + Sunblast Angel

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gabrjaws on Angel Red White Blue

9 years ago

I now see the impracticality of Glimpse the Sun God + Sunblast Angel . To help lower the cost I am going to add two more Battlefield Thaumaturge, I may also switch Ethereal Armor for Mammoth Umbra. I like the firs strike bonus. I thought very deeply about Lightning Bolt, but got overwhelmed by the sheer awesomeness of Lightning Helix, (I like life thievery). As for preventing damage to either Bruna, or Gisela, I am going to cut down a Deflecting Palm and a Mindswipe for a couple Hindering Light's. I am most def going to add Indestructibility to the sideboard. Thank you for the assistance, the deck was running somewhat clunky with the high cost Mammoth Umbra's. Also thanks for the +1.

kylethereader on Angel Red White Blue

9 years ago

The deck concept is really nice, but you may have issue with your mana costs being so high. I would say using a cheaper counter card like Spell Pierce or Mana Leak. Also, as amazing as the Mammoth Umbra is, I think Ethereal Armor would work much better for Bruna. If you need protection for her, add Hindering Light or Indestructibility to your sideboard. Really awesome deck idea. +1 Also, the Glimpse the Sun God + Sunblast Angel combo costs at least 8 mana, and that's just to destroy one mana. Figure of Destiny might be nice, or maybe just add Lightning Bolts instead for direct damage. These are just ideas too, don't think I'm saying the deck wont run right without these changes, because it looks pretty good.