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clayperce on
Like a Boss!
9 years ago
ComradeJim270, Sorry Zada didn't pan out, but glad to hear everything worked out good anyways!
I see Sharpshooter on your maybe board ... I love the Goblin Bombardment + Goblin Sharpshooter machine gun combo. Especially when the Sharpshooter has a Quietus Spike!
I'd pull the Dragon Fodder for a Sharpshooter; not sure about the Spike.
Also, I'm not a big Reforge the Soul fan because of the group hug aspect. You already have Slate of Ancestry though, so not sure what I'd recommend as a swap ...
clayperce on
9 years ago
Goblin Matron maybe, to tutor up Krenko?
I really like a Goblin Bombardment + Goblin Sharpshooter shock combo too. Especially if equipped with a Quietus Spike!
And I know you're not running Humans nor Elementals, but I really like Norin the Wary (as RyProv already mentioned), Grinning Ignus, and Young Pyromancer with Purphoros. They're just the gift that keeps on giving.
And though it probably goes without saying, I'll say it anyways: Watch out for other tribal decks if you're running Coat of Arms!
clayperce on
Brion likes to throw
9 years ago
clashingsword, I frankly go back and forth on the combo. I don't like the Sharpshooter alone, but when I luck out and draw the Goblin Bombardment + Goblin Sharpshooter shock combo, it's just awesome.
And thanks for the kudos on Rith!