MTG Combo: Goldnight Castigator + Harmless Offering

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Kurremkarmerruk on A Harmless-Goldnight-Goggles Combo

8 years ago


And finally, G/W is definitely an issue. Actually, a lot of decks are an issue! I don't know why this deck climbed the ranks on here. I have to use a very risky strategy: I have to let my opponent's creatures stay on the field so I can just focus on their life points. That's the gamble that makes this deck work as mono-red. I like it because I built it, but I don't know how good it really is if I go for a longer game.

When I first built this as mono-red, it was strictly a Goldnight-Harmless combo with the vessels for ramp. Someone suggested the Goggles and I thought that would be fun, but to make room, I took out two Harmless cards. In retrospect, yeah, I rarely pull the Goldnight-Harmless combo now. I'll fix that. (Goodbye, Goggles.)

So, I think I'd rather take out the goggles and focus more on the trade and burn side of this brew. Simplicity is key.

I like Lightning Axe and Shreds of Sanity as outlets for something like Fiery Temper, but it wouldn't be enough to justify that move, I don't think. An early build also used Village Messenger  Flip to hit early and get the menace, but my own deck kept flipping it back. Lightning Berserker definitely has potential. There used to be a few more dragons to justify Draconic Roar, but the truth is I don't mind playing it as a two-drop that only removes a creature. If I don't have a dragon, I don't have a dragon. It's about the only card I quickly play for straight creature removal. But Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe would be sweet to have in here.

Thanks for the extensive feedback and ideas. I do think Goldnight Castigator + Harmless Offering is a good idea. It still needs work though.