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kengiczar on [Community Discussion]: Modern Chat
9 years ago
Would you guys say that Bloom Titan is more consistent than Goryo's Vengeance
? I really like the Vengeance list with Nourishing Shoal and Worldspine Wurm, although it does kind of suck that Worldspine is just there for 15 life. Still 15 life is quite rediculous when facing something like mono or Naya burn and if you hit that you've essentially got 2 more activations of Griselbrand.
kengiczar on Need help getting from good …
9 years ago
Watch the top 8s for every single format that you can. Watch the legacy (uh..not sure if anybody does these anymore), watch the modern, and watch the standard. You can google twitch mtg and find the channel pretty quick and it usually says when the next event is coming up.
I can't each you how to play good magic (aside from maybe commander) but here's a bit of what I've picked up as far as what decks are out there and what the colors typically do in modern.
: Tron (GREAT!) or Red + Atarka's Command (Good)
: Burn/Discard stuff, not really that great without a third color.
: Pestermite/Deceiver Exarch + Splinter Twin (GREAT!)
: Tron (Good) or the Sun Titan deck (Good)
: Tokens. (Ok/Good? I've never played it or played against it so I am not sure. There is a token primer on the site somewhere.)
: Hatebears! (Good)
: Boros Burn. (ok? no experience here, just don't know what the hell else you would play in those colors as I've never seen anything else in those colors.)
: Life from the Loam/Lotleth Troll/Raven's Crime/Vengevine type decks are ok but I haven't heard anybody at my LGS talk about them doing well or showing up in awhile.
: You're best bet is probably Faeries, Merfolk, or just going old school hard control with discard + counterspells + Evasive threats.
: Infect or wierd combo colors.
: Jund. Nothing but the best 1-3 drops in the format for removal and creatures. Decent matchup versus nearly any deck mentioned here. Of course that's if you'r playing a traditional deck. Jund also has Life from the Loam
Seismic Assault
decks that are SUPER grindy. It also has decks that use Goryo's Vengeance
to combo out super hard on turn 2, sometimes dealing lethal or else gaining tons of life to be well beyond mono
burn range.
: You could play midrange with cards like Path to Exile, Siege Rhino and Tarmogoyf along with soem discard. Just like Jund, Abrupt Decay does a lot of work in this format.
: The Splinter Twin decks used to splash white. Still works but the purely
ones can ruin you're entire game with Blood Moon. You can also go hard control with White Sun's Zenith but those games tend to take awhile and are riskier in my opinion.
: Oh look, another Splinter Twin color. This time you get Tarmogoyf.
: There aren't any combos in these colors, it's best damage creatures rely on a lot of other cards being in play or in hand. It's got removal but not a lot of card advantage. It falls short in every aspect to other color combinations. Somehow a deck that can run discard, Path to Exile, Lightning Bolt and various hatebears always fails to make an impact. Unless you can find some pro lists from the lasts 1-2 years I wouldn't bother with this color scheme for modern.
: Colors that are geared toward draw-go type control. I've played them a lot and it's meh. In tournaments Jund so much safer.
: Burn or bust. (Good. Warning: No goblin tribal in modern! No Tribal!)
: Merfolk, faeries or go home ( I believe they are both Tier 2?)
: Mono
Discard or go home (Though the deck gets shut out by hate cards game 2 quite often)
: Big stompy (Crushes "fair" decks but can't stop combo very well at all, still loses to Jund)
: Soul Sisters lifegain deck or nothing (Tier 2 or 3? Not sure)
Other decks I am not knowledgeable enough to classify are the Amulet of Vigor + Primeval Titan combo decks or the Lanter Control decks. I don't even know what color lands they run : P
Final Advice: If you're going to buy into modern pick one of these decks becaues why not play the best?
Bloom Titan - Cheap, amazing Aggro/Combo deck
Splinter Twin - Starting with the version is safest/simplest.
Jund "normal" - It's expensive but always can put up a fight.