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dragon-man11 on
8 years ago
Nice Deck! Card I would recommend;
Cards Against Removal and Board Wipes like Martyr's Bond (Will allow sacs to destroy creatures as well as set a price for destroying one of your creatures),Grave Pact (Works like Martyr's bond and can also be used in addition to Martyr's bond), Thran Lens (Protection against color specific protection or removal).
Creature RecommendationsBattletide Alchemist (Because all of your Shadowborn Apostles are clerics you can prevent damage to yourself), Bog Witch (If you have Athreos on field along with enough Shadowborn Apostles you can use this card to discard leftovers for extra mana or to get extra Shadowborns on field), Soul Warden (Cleric and extra life), Teysa, Orzhov Scion (Sacrifice 6 Shadowborn Apostles, sacrifice the spirits you just gained exile to target creatures. Will also trigger Soul Warden and Grave Pact + Martyr's Bond ).
Other Spells that could work well: Carnival of Souls (Good for getting all of your Shadowborns in hand out quickly), Ramp cards due to the agro nature of the deck sometimes. Some good examples would be black mana producers like Dark Ritual, Culling the Weak, or infinite mana combos like Athreos, God of Passage + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Ornithopter . There are other ornithopter combos as well. Mortal Combat is also a fun alternate win condition if you can not get Athreos out.
I hope these suggestions help!