MTG Combo: Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar

Infinite - Engine : Sacrifice/ETB triggers/LTB triggers

Sacrifice Gravecrawler to Phyrexian Altar to get . Cast Gravecrawler with the . Repeat as needed.


Zehk on Mikaeus, the Unhallowed cEDH

4 years ago

Plague Belcher doesn't have persist but goes infinite with a sac outlet. Highly recommend, especially since it can win off of just Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar if you have no other payoff.

mindfulvet on When The Violence Causes Silence - Zombie Prison

5 years ago

KylerStar Thanks, I really like it as well. It's not often I have both in play though. It's usually a meta choice on how to play it out. I'm usually pulling off a Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar type of combo honestly. Solemnity is just a toy that plays nice with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed.

antimatterapplejuice on Liliana, Song's of the Dead

5 years ago

Hey, this looks good. Maybe Undead Augur over Erebos, unless your meta is lifegain-heavy. You have gravecrawler and plague belcher already, so why not Phyrexian Altar ?

If you wanna see what a Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar combo deck looks like:

Gravecrawler Combo with Juice

Oathbreaker antimatterapplejuice


While it's true that you'd be giving up a combat advantage with lords, an infinite combo more than makes up for it.

Razulghul on Black Tokens in Saskia

8 years ago

Ophiomancer is a really good one. Also no one in edh abuses Bridge from Below really but I use it with any infinite sac outlet such as Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar , it's a nice wincon searchable with Entomb.

dlaxw7 on B/G Zombie Commander

8 years ago

Thanks for the tips Drakorya! I was really having issues cutting stuff, but that helped a lot. Skullbriar, the Walking Grave, Zombie Master, and Helldozer certainly look sub optimal for this build now that I look at them closer. Fauna Shaman and the Sakura-Tribe Elder look downright filthy as well.

My one concern with cutting all those low cost cards is that they provide great early fodder to get Meren up to speed for reanimating your late game bombs. The mana dorks and free sac outlets in particular seem to work great for this purpose and I'm hesitant to drop all of them. Nantuko Husk and Phyrexian Ghoul are awesome for their instant speed sac effects as well, Eldrazi Monument and Birthing Pod, while powerful af, are non-repeatable and very time restrictive, especially since I see a lot of exile effects that you can counter with an instant speed sac.

Noxious Ghoul and Diregraf Captain both have infinite combos with Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar , so I'm a little hesitant to drop those two as well.

As I mentioned in the description, I'm not terribly familiar with the format yet, so my concerns may be a little misplaced.

PookandPie on Oloro the out there

8 years ago

Oloro is in your title, but you used the plural of deck in your comment. Do you want more than just Oloro combos?

Also, what kind of combos are you looking for? You say degenerate, but that varies by playgroup. Most combos the average player considers degenerate are garbage, competitively, and typically the best 'combo' at tables with powerful decks and knowledgeable players is A Good Deck + Ad Nauseam or Doomsday, or something. So, because I don't know what you're looking for and you gave practically 0 information to make suggestions simple, here's every single infinite combo I can think of or find in Esper (and some of these aren't even registered as combos on the site, so... I found that interesting. Had to go back and separate those ones card by card):

And after this, I'm out. I'm going to go back to playing Fire Emblem: Fates. Fwiw, I hope this helps, and I just zoned out in a phone call with a person I didn't want to speak to for about 20 minutes while formatting this, lol.