MTG Combo: Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm

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Flagellum on MagicalHacker

8 years ago

How many zombie Lords would you recommend? And should I run the standard reanimation shell? I.e. Reanimate, Beacon of Unrest, Necromancy, ect. or will G&G be enough? I plan to include combo in it as well.

Possible Lords:

Death Baron: makes my horde very threatening.

Diregraf Captain: combos well with Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm /sac outlet. Already got this one.

Lord of the Undead: recursion w/o G&G

Cemetery Reaper: makes tokens and acts as gy hate

Zombie Master: hilarious with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Risen Executioner: gets worse the longer the game goes.


8 years ago

Really Interesting approach!
I'm a fellow UB Zombie lover building a deck with Gisa and Geralf.
Mine's more about board presence with tokens, buffing them with zombie lords and cards like Obelisk of Urd and Door of Destinies and attacking via Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth + Zombie Master or Cover of Darkness or Graf Harvest to let them pass.
If comes down to it i have some win combos to finish games, most of them using Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm .

Here's my list:
ZombieMaster Siblings
If you can, please take a look and tell me what you think.

For your deck i think that maybe Patriarch's Bidding can help you. Also having more draw cards would help you avoid running out of gas.

ThoAlmighty on Mmm... Brains - A Zombie EDH

8 years ago

You might want to try a Graveborn Muse, I have one in my Grimgrin deck (albeit it's more focused on swarm, hence the name) and it works really well. If you're ever in any danger of being killed by her, you can just sacrifice her to Grimgrin. If you want to get a lot of sacrifices for Grimgrin, and you haven't gotten your Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm combo yet, you can try Ghoulcaller Gisa, and maybe even Smothering Abomination. He detracts from your total sacrifices, but nets you a lot of card draw. I use all of these cards in my deck, and they all work quite well. My deck can be found here:

The Apocalypse Is Here

Commander / EDH* ThoAlmighty


It's still a work in progress, though, and has had limited play testing against other decks.

Raging_Squiggle on Would Karador, Ghost Chieftain + …

8 years ago

Yes you can. As long as the card says "You may cast this spell for its evoke cost..." and doesn't specify from where it must be cast, like cards such as Possibility Storm, you can cast a card from your graveyard via Evoke. Keep in mind, evoke is an alternate cost, but Karador, Ghost Chieftan's ability is not. If you had an effect that let you cast Reveillark without paying mana, that is also an alternate cost and you would have to pick either free casting or paying mana for evoke.

A similar scenario is Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm . You cast the Gravecrawler from your graveyard per its own ability, but have an alternate casting cost of free via Rooftop Storm. Both have the same principle of being cast from a graveyard through an alternate casting cost.

Long story short, you can use alternate casting costs, including evoke, through Karador, Ghost Chieftan.