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sadcowboy on
Thrax Zombie Tribal
8 years ago
Sol Ring can go in for most ramp artifacts,Manalith could go out for Darksteel Ingot. You also don't have a Rakdos Signet.
Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm + Vengeful Dead + sac outlet = instant win. This combo can easily be fetched with Diabolic Revelation or Ring of Three Wishes.
You might want to make your lands represent the number of cards that need those lands. You have way too much red mana-producing lands than black ones. While this certainly isn't budget, Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth /Magus of the Coffers is a great way to produce a ton of mana. Also, each one of those cards is good on their own. Grixis Panorama is a nice budget fetch.
Malicious Affliction is a much better Doomblade, with the small downside of a harder casting cost. Murder and Hero's Downfall are also nice removal pieces.