MTG Combo: Grindstone + Painter's Servant

  1. Resolve Painter's Servant naming a color of your choice.
  2. Activate Grindstone, targeting an opponent.
  3. Since all of you opponent's cards are the chosen color, their entire deck will go to their graveyard.

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Fortheboys11 on Card creation challenge

2 years ago


Artifact Creature - Scarecrow

: Target player mills all cards in their library.


This is the dreaded Grindstone + Painter's Servant combo.

That was a fun challenge, Repeat.

Aystogon on

3 years ago

AlexIpps28 We have a slow Grindstone + Painter's Servant combo as well as infinite damage in with ballista after establishing infinite colorless. All can be tutored for except for ballista.

actionphil on Blackstar (Yo pumpkin head)

3 years ago

lol I don't see you as a rando lol. we love reaper king, haters gonna hate.

I ran into that same problem, so I changed it up to add more synergy and more win conditons Grand Architect + Memnarch + Pili-Pala play pili and grand for infinite mana, then memnarch and then take everything from your opponent. Grindstone + Painter's Servant infinite mill, Blue Sun's Zenith with pili&grand make them darw all cards.
even if they destroy my artifacts, i'll play Drafna's Restoration and stack my deck back and continue the harvest.

forget the haters, go big or go home. Long Live the King!!

Peoni on Bruvac Mill Brew

4 years ago

This is good stuff. You've pretty much got all the good mill you'd want in a deck like this. Here's a list of things I'd take out and put in and I'll explain after:

Take out - 1 Arcane Denial, 2 Nyx Lotus, 3 Sky Diamond, 4 Soul-Guide Lantern, 5 Tribute Mage, 6 Solemn Simulacrum, 7 Fraying Sanity, 8 Fleet Swallower or 9 Sphinx Mindbreaker, 10 Reality Shift, 11 Dig Through Time.

Add in - Extraplanar Lens, Muddle the Mixture, Crawlspace, Propaganda, Stroke of Genius, Blue Sun's Zenith, Sapphire Medallion, Thassa's Oracle, and Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter .

I'll try to be brief with all of this. For 1 I think Muddle is better for your deck, especially if you decide to add in Grindstone + Painter's Servant . 2 I don't think is a great source of ramp (It costs 4 mana to cast AND comes in tapped AND you aren't even guaranteed to get value out of it. It all depends on whether or not you're having a good game. You could play this turn 4, not get to use it til turn 5 since it's tapped, AND still maybe only get 1 or 2 mana out of it. Oh, and because of its high cost it's going to be a juicy target for removal. If it gets blown up you basically just skipped a turn. So much for being brief huh lol). 3 same as 2. Extraplanar Lens (not at all a budget buy I know) is killer in mono decks with snow lands, and you've already got the snows. Sapphire Medallion would just be better than 3. 4 you have enough graveyard hate. 5 you don't have impactful enough 2 cost artifacts to warrant this. Also Muddle. 6 you have enough ramp and don't need to mana fix. 7 I just feel is too targeted and might turn you into the table's bad guy if you weren't already. I'd just focus on the effects that apply to everyone or don't necessarily only apply to one player. 8 and 9 I don't feel like these are particularly necessary for winning but they're big and fun so I'd keep one and lose the other. 10 I just don't think you need. 11 some of your mills synergize with drawing and this doesn't draw. Good card, but I think for you Stroke of Genius and Blue Sun's Zenith will do you better. Additionally they can be combined with invite mana i.e. Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter to mill out your opponents or mill out yourself. Crawlspace and Propaganda I feel do too much for you to pass up. I know you already have one of them in your maybeboard, but I think you need more defensive cards in your 99 so you don't get tag teamed as soon as you drop some of your more threatening toys. You know as soon as you play something like Mindcrank or Mesmeric Orb or hell even your commander, the table probably isn't going to be cool with you doing that lol. You just want to make attacking you a pain and use counters to handle the rest. Finally, Thassa's Oracle is good for self mill.

Sorry if I'm a bit all over the place, but I wrote this little by little throughout the day in between doing different things so I'd have to keep coming back and remember where I was and yeah lol. Hope I helped though. It's a cool deck and I'd hope to at least give you some ideas to work with. :^)

Peoni on Augustin STAX EDH

4 years ago

Your lack of proper wincon might net you a lot of hate at the table. You can Armageddon and Winter Orb all day, but if you don't have some method of breaking parity and killing the table, ultimately all you're doing is dragging out the game and not making much progress. Maybe that's your goal though.. to just make everyone suffer and regret playing the game, and if that's the case more power to you! Perhaps your friends deserve such a fate. :^) But I would recommend adding in some general wincons to actually end everyone's misery and let them know you came to win instead of just making them dread a 2 hour game where nobody wins lol.

Infinite mana combos like Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter and Grand Architect + Pili-Pala plus X cost targeted draw spells like Blue Sun's Zenith and Stroke of Genius make for either humorous yet fair ways of milling an opponent to death in one turn, or milling yourself with pieces like Jace, Wielder of Mysteries, Laboratory Maniac, and Thassa's Oracle to just straight up win the game. If you wanted to push your budget there's also the dirty Grindstone + Painter's Servant combo to, again, mill people to death. Then, after all that, you'd want to add in artifact tutors to fetch your filthy combo pieces and close the game out before people begin to complain about your gloriously oppressive board state. Cards like Fabricate, Tezzeret the Seeker, and Whir of Invention would do nicely. You could also run Muddle the Mixture as a flex card that could either be used to keep your opponents from getting to use their toys, or to again fetch your combo pieces i.e. Isochron, Pili-Pala, Thassa's Oracle, Painter's Servant if you wanted, etc. I'd be more than happy to help optimize this deck in budget if you wanted. :^) Just let me know.

Vimozahr on "Key Combos" section?

4 years ago

Deck-Description when i make Charges. But seens to little bit buggy. I made more Combos with Same Code and there not linked.

First and Last Combo works with the Code, but 2 not work.

Infinite Mill target Player:

Grindstone + Painter's Servant

Infinite Mana or Bounce Trigger with all Manarocks:

Mana Crypt + Tidespout Tyrant

Mana Vault + Tidespout Tyrant

Sol Ring + Tidespout Tyrant

Hellizha on

4 years ago

Hi Feedlord117, Thank you for your comments.

Grindstone + Painter's Servant are not in the list because I am already running the Morality Shift combo, which is the same but with least cards needed and a bigger CMC.

Also, on its own, Painter's Servant is useless in this deck, I have no other synergy for switching the deck color. On the other hand Grindstone on his own is like a weak version of Altar of the Brood .

I still keep the idea in the back of my mind just in case one day I wanna try it.