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Epicurus on When did you start playing, …
2 years ago
My first deck was a blue/white weenie deck, with Flying Men, Savannah Lions and Counterspells. I quickly started running mono-white weenie, which is why to this day I get offended when people badmouth white. That first white weenie is actually still together 30 years later, it just gets updated every few years or so. And it still wins more often than not. Armageddon + Howling Mine + a crap load of creatures that only cost one mana = a lot more powerful than people want to give it credit for. More than half of the cards in that deck were pulled from packs of Revised (3rd Edition) that I bought back then; including the cards I listed above, as well as Swords to Plowshares.
I'm with Fuzzy003 on the power creep thing. However, just like I said in a previous comment about another topic, it's really always been that way. Back in the day, if you weren't playing black/blue draw/control or Suicide black, you weren't going to win any tournaments. The only real combo was Channel + Fireball , but a good lockdown control deck was nearly impossible to beat (besides the fact that Channel was one of the first non-ante cards ever banned, because it was too easy to win with it).
I did once own a turn 2 Guilty Conscience + Stuffy Doll deck. It won every game I played. As such, it was pretty boring. I never competed with it, because it was Vintage legal, and I didn't have Power 9 cards with which to make it a turn 1 deck. So I ended up selling it (which I've regretted ever since, because this was before Commander drove up the prices of the four Plateau in there from $75/each to well over $300/each, and the Wheel of Fortune in there that I had pulled from a pack jumped from $40 at the time to I-don't-wanna-know how much it is now).
The best I ever did at a competition was getting 3rd place out of 50 people back in ('95/'96?) with a budget Goblin tribal deck, that ran such beauties as Goblin Balloon Brigade and Keldon Warlord, hahaha. Of course, my Wheel of Fortune and Sol Ring were in that deck, as well as the Howling Mines, but remember, that's when WoF listed at a whopping $10. I believe that I even had a couple Juggernaut in there. And I beat some very competitive decks with all that jank. It was awesome.
I decided to post this story partly because the last couple of y'all made me nostalgic for the old days. Also, though, to say that:
a) it's kinda annoying to me, having been playing as long as I have, that everyone plays Commander now. I miss the old 60 card constructed formats. I have a lot of fond memories playing 8-player games in what was basically Legacy format (though you can call it "casual" or "kitchen table" if you like). Not to mention how much Commander format has inflated prices of individual cards.
b) I personally find infinite combos to be a nuisance, and wish that more people shied away from them in casual play. Honestly, it's more about variety and creativity than anything else. I'm tired of looking at the 31 flavors of Thassa's Oracle decks, for example. Like, someone will be like "Hey, check out my new (insert legendary creature here) deck." And I say "oh, I love that guy! What's the theme?" And they reply with something like "It's (insert creature type) tribal, with synergies built around (insert mechanic)... and it wins by going infinite with XYZ and casting Thassa's Oracle." And then, when I say "Oh, so it's a Thassa's Oracle deck," they get butthurt, because they think they're being creative in their construction of a deck that wins using exactly the same card as a million other people's decks. "But, but, MY Thassa's Oracle deck is different!"
I don't mean to be a downer or an old fogey, I just appreciate a bit more creativity than that. Always have. And since there's a finite number of ways to go infinite in any given color combination, and a finite number of wincons that flow from those infinite combos, decks that do so all look the same to me. Just a bunch of fetch, removal and draw surrounding a combo. 50% of the deck is setting up and executing the combo, and the other 50% is protection/denial/removal. So what percentage is leftover for theme?
Anyway, that's this old man's grumpy gripe about the state of the game these days. The old budget Goblin deck wouldn't stand a chance anymore. Although, I would put my White Weenie against any 60-card casual deck you'd want to try to throw at it ;)
But I don't want that rant about Commander or infinite combos to be the final takeaway from my post here. Fact is, I've ultimately enjoyed the journey. The ups and downs are as much a part of that journey as they are with anything else in life. Here I am, still playing a game that I learned before I had pubes. And still enjoying it. And I taught my kids to play it, and they love it too (though, maybe I should have gotten them into drugs instead, because it would probably be a cheaper hobby, hahaha). And I've been around the block long enough to know that nothing lasts forever, so I hope to keep on enjoying it until kids don't like it anymore and it ends up fading away.
Like I said in a previous comment, I was really excited about Neon Dynasty. I haven't seen anything from New Capenna yet that has me as excited, but time will tell. And The Brothers' War has me stoked. In other words, to hell with my complaints about the state of the game these days. Let's throw some damn cards! Turn 'em sideways! Play on!
skyscraper_soup on
Alesha, Queen of Combos
5 years ago
Couple of cool things you're missing Master of Cruelties with alesha is an instant kill from the gy ... also, I like Guilty Conscience + Stuffy Doll ... also I recommend Felidar Guardian for blink, Goblin Bombardment for sac, and Iroas, God of Victory for combat protection... also, don't forget Reconnaissance !
Robthewall on
We're having triplets!
6 years ago
Famished Paladin + Resplendent Mentor = infinite life Altar of the Brood + Aminatou, the Fateshifter + Felidar Guardian = deck out Grand Architect + Pili-Pala = infinite colored mana Guilty Conscience + Stuffy Doll = kill 1 player Knowledge Pool + Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir = board lock Helm of Obedience + Leyline of the Void = deck out Helm of Obedience + Rest in Peace = deck out
ghostfire86 on
Firesong and Sunspeaker, Boros Bros
6 years ago
Balefire Liege should be an auto include.
Guilty Conscience + Stuffy Doll should be here. Youre playing Darksteel Plate and Boros Charm so it makes even more reason to play Guilty Conscience so you can utilize Spitemare and Boros Reckoner. Selfless Spirit can make an additional choice.
Since you are playing Scroll Rack you should also utilize Bonfire of the Damned for its miracle cost. Terminus also has potential here.
Steelspike on
Selvala's Things & Stuff
8 years ago
Lightpulsar9 Fair enough on the Boundless Realms. I find it rather nice that when people say there's no point in thinning lands out of your deck, I can show them how effective the Realms is, but that may be just one of my quirks.
On the Sterling Grove thing: You can always sac it to tutor up Position, then have E-Wit or Sun Titan grab Grove back, but that should be an "I win" kind of "SURPRISE!" to the other players.
I don't know. I really like an "all of a sudden, I win" combo that (almost) nobody sees coming until it's to late to do anything about it. Like Guilty Conscience + Stuffy Doll with ways to flicker or bounce both the Doll and Guilty to retarget.
Fun stuff like that. :)
1empyrean on Is it Stuffy in here?
8 years ago
Clarification: Time Stop can be played after Guilty Conscience + Stuffy Doll goes off because the triggers for both still go on the stack and each player gets priority before each trigger resolves. Mind you, it isn't exactly difficult to respond to whatever it is that your opponent does by dealing more damage to Stuffy Doll somehow...unless they cast Sudden Spoiling or Krosan Grip.
Tyrant-Thanatos on Is it Stuffy in here?
8 years ago
I'm trying to work out how you killed two players with this, and/or why Strionic Resonator is even involved. Guilty Conscience + Stuffy Doll will kill a player, but I don't see how Strionic Resonator adding an extra trigger for 1 more damage would change anything...
Massacre775 on
Somebody Stop Me! v. 2.0
9 years ago
Question, could you explain to me how the combos with Reveillark, or the infinite combos, wouldnt they require 7 or so lands to function. How does the combo work mechanics wise, because I know my group will ask the specifics of it. HOwever, moreso the 2 bottom combos, in the combos and win con section. Brilliant deck idea I learned some things definitely. Easy +1.
Lifesteal+Extreme Card Advantage+Sacrifice Here is my deck, besides Diabolic intent, palinchron, deadeye navigator, reveillark, ensanguinate, flash, enter the infinite, and karmic guide. What else should I change given the premise of the deck. I tend to use Ertai, the Corrupted a lot in conjunction with Bitterblossom. I have been looking for combos, Guilty Conscience + Stuffy Doll . Beacon of Immortality + False Cure .
Suggestion: Perhaps Thran Dynamo instead of Gilded Lotus. It would cost one less. Oh, and for a potential turn 1 play, play Dark Ritual. Combo:Turn 1: Get a Black Mana. Play Dark Ritual. Play Entomb. Send the any card creature you want. Reanimate. Also useful to lets say you ahve one black mana left in the round an Academy Rector is on the field w/ Diabolic Intent in hand, it would get you the extra mana to go infinite.