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bobtonythedeckbuilder on
Stax Control
8 years ago
nice Combo! Havoc Festival + Wound Reflection and Heartless Hidetsugu + Wound Reflection
jpermar on
Rakdos, Lord's Downward Spiral
9 years ago
Hi bluetigerreed. Actually, the Havoc Festival + Wound Reflection combo kills each opponent at the end of each turn. The main reason I'm not running it is that it takes 12 mana to get both out in one turn, which is typically too much for this deck to create. Otherwise, I agree with you, it would be awesome and I would love to play it! The other combo is of course actually fairly easy for this deck to cast (8 mana typically, due to Rakdos's discount for Heartless). However, the problem is that the cards aren't good by themselves, so I don't want to run them. Too bad... :(
bluetigerreed on
Rakdos, Lord's Downward Spiral
9 years ago
A funny combo that could work in this deck is Havoc Festival + Wound Reflection . After using this combo, you will and your opponents will be left with either 2 life points or be dead. This combo also works with or Heartless Hidetsugu + Wound Reflection , however, this combo will either put your opponents to one life or kill them. These combos is super fun with a play group that loves long control multiplayer matches.