MTG Combo: Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista


bryanedds on Feather and Flame

3 years ago

Consider -

bryanedds on Feather and Flame

3 years ago

Consider -

philosopher on Liesa: Life, Death, and Taxes

3 years ago

Hello Oixa137,

Please see my below suggestions.


I am going to presume that your meta allows for infinite combos, given that you are running the Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond combo, so I recommend that you add Walking Ballista to your deck, as this allows you to do the Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista infinite damage combo.


To do this, i recommend removing Blind Obedience from your deck, as you already have Authority of the Consuls, which does the same effect.

Number of lands:

Based on this link (, I recommend using 46 lands to maximize the chances of playing Liesa on turn 5.

Current land breakdown: 38 total lands.

Land = 1 land; 34 lands

Land search = 1 land; 1 land search = 1 land

mana rock = 0.75 lands; 4 rocks = 3 lands

Based on a ratio of full lands and partial lands, your deck has the equivalent of 38 lands and, as a result, I recommend you add 8 more lands to your deck.

Removing 8 cards will be challenging and, to make it easier, I recommend that you look for cards that do the same effect, such as "you gain X life, whenever a creature ETB's", and remove some of them, as this will allow you to keep your important and less redundant cards in your deck.

Best of luck improving your deck,


partana3 on Yosei, a Good Mono-White EDH Deck [PRIMER]

3 years ago

Pretty cool deck! Check out my mono-white deck Exodus. It is a good-stuff deck which is built around Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, which eventually wins with Auriok Salvagers + Lion's Eye Diamond or Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista (this is less common). I just have a quick question. What do you think about board-wipes. If you chose to exclude them, then how do you deal with massive board states? :)

bryanedds on Feather and Flame

3 years ago

Consider -

Spectator Seating

Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista


Zirda, the Dawnwaker for infinite colorless mana in this deck.

Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar

Blade Historian

Karakas since it can bounce OTHER people's commanders!

Omniscience_is_life on Yosei Deck??

4 years ago

Therein lies an issue. Currently the wincons are Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista , or Helm of Obedience + Rest in Peace . But I need more!

Omnes_Spiritus on

4 years ago

My first suggestion would be to add Arcane Signet. You will have a use for it in essentially every EDH deck, like Sol Ring.

In terms of competitive play Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista is considered the strongest life-gain combo (its a bit on the expensive side though). As seen here For your win condition Vizkopa Guildmage can situationally be cheaper than Sanguine Bond.

While there isn't much combat in competitive EDH, the 2 creatures that stick out to me are Serra Ascendant and Tymna the Weaver. Building on their styles of life-gain Serra Ascendant could easily be parred with Divinity of Pride, Resplendent Angel and Felidar Sovereign. Tymna the Weaver is an incredibly oppressive draw engine that synergizes with token-esk strategies. In modern, there is a fringe deck generally referred to as Soul Sisters that uses Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant in conjunction with small creatures to generate life gain triggers. With this, you can draw cards with Mentor of the Meek, Skullclamp, Dawn of Hope and Alhammarret's Archive. Other notable synergies include: Ajani's Pridemate, Angel of Vitality and Archangel of Thune.

Other fun stuff: Extort, Spirit Link + Lifesteal, Blood Artist/Zulaport Cutthroat/Cruel Celebrant, Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord and Kambal, Consul of Allocation.

Here are some recourses I use to build decks:

BMHKain on

5 years ago

(I think it's OK now? Alright.)

@GhostChieftain: I was trying to ask 2 things. They were:

  1. Is there no true recommended Mono- method for Mana Ramp for the Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista combo? So Many use this as THE CMDR for this combo; though I just wanted to piece the impossible; a Viable Mono- Deck; even if blows. :/

  2. Underworld Breach has Escape, & yet, I'm unsure about this. How good is it to reap the already Dead to Beyond-Death/Void/虚/Voidway to bring one back? / isn't known for Exile Recursion you know... But I did attempt to make an Exile Matters Deck long ago. Maybe Escape can improve it's chances for higher than intended success? (It ran The First Sliver, but wasn't a Tribal Deck. ;/)

& no, that deck isn't meant for cEDH play.

Any ideas? The slate is SO CLOSE to completion.