MTG Combo: Hellkite Charger + Sword of Feast and Famine

The combo produces infinite combat steps (resulting in infinite damage), infinite tap/untap and infinite opponent discard.

  1. Have Sword of Feast and Famine equipped on Hellkite Charger, or another evasive creature, and seven untapped lands.
  2. Swing with Hellkite Charger and the evasive creature if you have it.
  3. Activate Hellkite Charger's ability to gain a second combat phase and untap all your creatures for that phase.
  4. Sword of Feast and Famine procs when combat damage to your opponent is dealt and untaps all your lands.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4.

Note: This combo will not generate infinite mana due to mana being cleared out during phase changes, ie: from combat phase to second main phase.

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Love-in-Theory on 'HOW many combat phases!?'

7 years ago

Nahiri, the Harbinger ultimate into Gisela, Blade of Goldnight can win you games. Both worked really well in my old Aurelia deck.

Hellkite Charger + Sword of Feast and Famine unlimited combat phases.

Anointed Procession

jhjameszilla on Kaalia of the Vast "Toolbox"

7 years ago

Wickked. The reason why Bruna, the Fading Light makes it into the deck is for the melding potential but its recursion effect on cast okay I trust in more than some other cards i have seen in some list plus its been a pretty good beatstick/defender at my LGS. As for Indulgent Tormentor he's in here until i can find a powerful enough card to replace him (right now I'm thinking about putting the Hellkite Charger + Sword of Feast and Famine combo back in and taking him out.

Ruffigan on One More Red Nightmare

8 years ago

@nazarener: Thank you for commenting on my deck, love to hear from other Zirilan players. I'll try and address everything succinctly...

  • I was running the Hellkite Charger + Sword of Feast and Famine combo because I was running Hoarding Dragon, which can fetch the sword. I've since removed the dragon, which makes it less likely to happen, but it is still basically an instant win if I happen to draw it between turns 5-7

  • The boardwipes I run (Apocalypse, Decree of Annihilation, Jokulhaups) are all specifically to use with Worldgorger Dragon. Like drawing the sword, drawing these is an instant win if you play it out right, but much riskier due to Worldgorger exiling your stuff. Ugin is very powerful but expensive, but I have one I'm not using and may consider it.

  • The Quicksilver Amulet I agree is expensive to use, I've been thinking about removing it (maybe for Minion Reflector or Dragon Tempest)

  • I've been trying out some cheaper rocks as well. Jeweled Amulet is currently being tested, and I was planning on buying a Lion's Eye Diamond before the spike. Any others you would recommend?

  • Feldon of the Third Path I know is very good if it is complementary to your build. I know that DarkRequiem and Noah5Reason's decks use it to good affect with sacrifice outlets. I've been trying to tool the deck to use sacrifice outlets since I'm finding I want to save my dragons less and less, so he is currently still in consideration for my deck. Besides Culling Dais, what other cheap sac outlets would you recommend? I know Altar of Dementia functions as an alternate win condition as well (with enough dragons)

Thundagawd on Jeska, Stax Reborn

8 years ago

Ah, I hadn't realized you could go infinite with Hellkite Charger + Sword of Feast and Famine . Makes sense now!