Latest Decks
matt247 on
9 years ago
- Archwing Dragon
- Balefire Dragon $
- Destructor Dragon
- Dragon Broodmother $$
- Dragon Mage
- Foe-Razer Regent + Frontier Siege
- Dragon Tempest
- Forgestoker Dragon
- Scourge of the Throne $
- Harbinger of the Hunt
- Furyborn Hellkite
- Hellkite Charger
- Hellkite Hatchling
- Hellkite Igniter
- Hellkite Tyrant + Liquimetal Coating
- Hoard-Smelter Dragon
- Knollspine Dragon + Reliquary Tower + Spellbook = No hand size, to keep the cards you draw
- Lightning Shrieker = is surprisingly good for common
- Mana-Charged Dragon = causes some insane politics in Commander
- Moltensteel Dragon = can win you a game if your tapped out and need to hit your opponent with less than half your health for lethal.
- Moonveil Dragon
- Predator Dragon
- Preyseizer Dragon $
- Scourge of Valkas
- Slumbering Dragon
- Steel Hellkite
- Stormbreath Dragon
- Thunderbreak Regent
- Thundermaw Hellkite $
- Crucible of the Spirit Dragon
- Dragonmaster Outcast
- Dragonspeaker Shaman $
- Dragonstorm
- Haven of the Spirit Dragon
- Sarkhan's Triumph
- Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker
- Firespout
- Quicksilver Amulet $
- Elvish Piper $