MTG Combo: High Tide + Palinchron

This combo generates infinite: - Blue mana. - Casting triggers. - ETB/LTB triggers.


  1. Have six Islands on the battlefield, with High Tide and Palinchron in hand.
  2. Cast High Tide. Your remaining five Islands now tap for UU.
  3. Tap all your lands to cast Palinchron, you should have three blue mana left over; untap all your lands.
  4. Tap all lands for 12 blue mana to activate Palinchron's ability to return him to your hand.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4, gaining one blue mana for each iteration.

Note: You can have infinite of any coloured mana if your Islands are dual lands (Sunken Hollow, Tundra, Breeding Poolfoil) or if you have an extra land of any kind on your battlefield. Lands with activated abilities can also be abused here.


toastySmorc on [Momir Vig] Suprise Party

4 years ago

1- High Tide + Palinchron . Just do that instead.

2- Have you considered a hackball elf package? It's similar to this list and it's a lot more reliable in that you don't have to play suboptimal UG creatures.

CaosSorge on Wheel With It Niv-Mizzet Parun EDH

7 years ago

First thoughts, be careful with the use of Thought Reflection. Wouldn't want to accidentally mill yourself if you hit Enter the Infinite and they have a way to survive - like say, Urza's Armor, Battletide Alchemist, Chameleon Blur, Channel Harm, Endure... Counterspells are nice, but you may need them to shut down your opponent's combos instead of saving them to save your own combos. You only have 4 guaranteed counters that don't have conditional modifiers after all...

You also might want to include either a method of massive mana ramp High Tide + Palinchron style, or a separate win-condition besides your commander's ability and Psychosis Crawler, something that could get around damage prevention.

Although, feel free to take these suggestions with more than a pinch of salt - I've personally never played Commander so I don't know much more than the fact that only one of each card is allowed... But generally speaking, if you think there's even a CHANCE of ever successfully casting Enter the Infinite, you'd better have a method of guaranteeing you win within a single turn when your entire deck is in your hand. Which means, making sure you have enough mana to cast counterspells, mill, damage, or loop back to the start through Time Reversal for yourself as necessary, even after counting the 12 CMC of EtI. Include at least one combo that acts as an auto-win if they don't have a counter - because with how powerful a card Enter the Infinite is, if they have a counterspell they're going to use it then.

It's definitely an interesting deck idea, but could use refinement still - I definitely think (should you be able to afford them) that Mind Over Matter or Omniscience would be a great addition.

Zonify on It's leviosaaaah

8 years ago

Reality Shift, Curse of the Swine Rapid Hybridization are all good removal in blue. as far as win cons, most of the time if ur not playing big creatures u need to rely on going infinite, so stuff like High Tide + Palinchron into Blue Sun's Zenith or Staff of Domination will get u the win, using the blue sun to make ur opponents draw their whole deck seems fun. Basalt Monolith + Power Artifact + Staff of Domination if ur looking for some ideas i also run azami and u can check out my list.

PookandPie on Oloro the out there

8 years ago

Oloro is in your title, but you used the plural of deck in your comment. Do you want more than just Oloro combos?

Also, what kind of combos are you looking for? You say degenerate, but that varies by playgroup. Most combos the average player considers degenerate are garbage, competitively, and typically the best 'combo' at tables with powerful decks and knowledgeable players is A Good Deck + Ad Nauseam or Doomsday, or something. So, because I don't know what you're looking for and you gave practically 0 information to make suggestions simple, here's every single infinite combo I can think of or find in Esper (and some of these aren't even registered as combos on the site, so... I found that interesting. Had to go back and separate those ones card by card):

And after this, I'm out. I'm going to go back to playing Fire Emblem: Fates. Fwiw, I hope this helps, and I just zoned out in a phone call with a person I didn't want to speak to for about 20 minutes while formatting this, lol.