This is a singleton card format specific synergy that wins you the game within 2 turns.
- Have both cards in hand.
- Counter target non commander spell they cast with Hinder.
- Put the countered spell onto the bottom of their library.
- Name the countered spell and cast Tunnel Vision. Your opponent will mill down to the last card in their library, the one you countered with Hinder.
- Survive for 2 more turns (or sooner if you can force them to draw a card) to win the game.
Note: Make sure that they don't have shuffle effects available as that will put the countered spell anywhere in the deck, negating this synergy entirely. This is also countered by the many cards that shuffle their library into their deck when put into the graveyard.
Latest Decks

blakeivey12 on
Phenax: You Don't Need Those
5 years ago
The deck is alot of fun so far. I've had success in smaller games of EDH like 1v1 or 3 person matches. When I go against three others there seem to be more answers. That being said I feel like I can spring back from board wipes okay and this deck does really really well late game once graveyards are populated by my effects.
In terms of my advice when playing this deck or any mill deck is to have alternative ways to win. Like Tree of Perdition or Hinder + Tunnel Vision / Spell Crumple . Eater of the Dead can also instant win some games if there is enough graveyard fodder,.
Fallerup on
5 years ago
I agree Hinder + Tunnel Vision or Spell Crumple + Tunnel Vision = target opponent has 1 card left in their library. I have this combo in my mill deck. for redundency I also have Spell Crumple which is just a second copy of Hinder so get both Hinder and Spell Crumple into the deck. I suggest cutting Jace Beleren. his ultimate is good, but don't bank on reaching it, it takes 7 turns, so its really slow, not sure what else to cut.
PayOneLife on
Teferi Control Arcmage
8 years ago
Hey Jason!
Firstly, the deck needs some win cons. At the moment the only one I can see is creature damage, which isn't going to work well. If you're trying to go toe-to-toe with a green deck you're not going to come out on top.
Blue has a few common win cons - Enter the Infinite + Omniscience with Laboratory Maniac
Psychosis Crawler and serious card draw.
Hinder + Tunnel Vision or Spell Crumple. You can use this to deck yourself if you have Laboratory Maniac in play.
Infinite mana + Blue Sun's Zenith. There's a bunch of of ways to get infinite mana, but you don't have any here.
Also, there's a couple of mana sources you should have - Caged Sun and High Tide. I'd consider increasing the land count too.
I did like the other deck you showed me, and I think it could provide a good basis for a deck. There's an extra slot in there because the person has put Teferi in twice (you don't need to put it in the list if you put it as commander), and Erayo is banned. Otherwise it was very good.
Makorious87 on
Combo Combo Combo Combo
9 years ago
I wouldn't say Hinder isn't a viable option. You can still Hinder + Tunnel Vision and mill someone in a turn. Perfect scenario which may never happen is being able to copy both for 2 seperate targets and mill them both down. I wouldn't say it's the best for Riku, but it could still have some potential if you know of at least 1 other card in an opponents deck.