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Wildsong on
The Song of the Conclave
8 years ago
A long time ago, on a different build of this Rhys the Redeemed deck, I used to play Humility. It's a great card to control the table. It's very good against ETB creatures as they do not trigger their skills. And the combo Humility + Living Plane just wins you the game if you have creatures to generate mana for you and follow the path of Armageddon. Anyway, Humility alone by itself.
I still put it on my Maybeboard. Cuz I found it an amazing card. Unfortunately, it never survives the cut... Oh if only this format had official Sideboard or if 110 cards were allowed (sigh). I would put some great cards here.
Just to mention some of them:
- Humility
- Entreat the Angels
- Intangible Virtue
- Valor this would depend on the number of plains on the deck
- Glory
- Living Plane
- Mycoloth
- Grove of the Guardian with 10 more cards we would need 1-2 more lands
- Hour of Reckoning
- Lightning Greaves just to make pair with Thousand-Year Elixir
I had a section on this page with all the updated and
token generators list, all the possible token buffers or cards that have synergy with them. After Tappedout changed their layout my list got messy, so I removed it. I'll try to post it again next week.