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Oloro's dissociative identity disorder
7 years ago
TheSpiritombEnthusiast, you're a rock star. Thanks again for taking the time.
Some of the cuts you suggested are cards I figured were dead weight, but needed to hear it from someone else. Let me hit on some of the others in alphabetical order:
- Braingeyser: I included this primarily for my own card draw, but I suspect there are better cards for that purpose. My eyes started crossing, though, when I was looking through all the cards that let you draw cards on Nearly 300 of them out there. I'll keep searching ;)
- Icy Manipulator: I know this card is a relic of days past, and rules updates have made it less powerful, robbing it of its glory. I guess I included it for the age-old combo of Icy Manipulator + Royal Assassin . In a 100 card deck, that's probably not enough justification for it. I do love Icy's original art though!
- Neurok Stealthsuit: This was included primarily because I'm running some critters with cool abilities, but also low toughness. My thinking was that they need protection. Again, there's probably a better choice for this, but I'm not aware of it. Will do some more research.
- Raise Dead: Yep. This was really really just a placeholder until I could get an Animate Dead. That's got the advantages of 1) reaching into any graveyard, and 2) it's a cheap enchantment that Zur could dig up.
- Simulacrum: You didn't have anything bad to say about this, but with the deck taking a stronger turn toward life gain, I think it might be out of place. Probably going to cut it.
You're right that there's a mill theme going on here, but I'm thinking I want to either keep it about like it is or even take it down a notch. Not sure just yet.
Thanks again for all the great suggestions.