MTG Combo: Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower

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blast_shark on ∞ Mana Cabana

7 years ago

Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower isn't an infinite mana combo because the follower can only untap other permanent. The original ability and the copy of the ability cannot untap the follower. An infinite mana combo would have to be Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower + Kiora's Follower

DeathCheese763 on Exponential Power Growth

7 years ago

@unos Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower would require 2 Kiora's Followers because kiora's follower says "another target permanent."Animation Module seems like a good choice but ultimately would slow the deck, because Gilder Bairn + Paradise Mantle + Training Grounds already creates an infinite tap effect. I'm using fungi so I don't have to worry about getting through with a infinite/infinite creature.Putting these combos in could help the deck work when I don't get the three card combo, but the card space is better used to find the combo with cards like Intuition + Parallel Thoughts + Temple of Mystery .

unos on Exponential Power Growth

7 years ago

Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower make infinite any kind of tap ability (most notably mana production by tapping lands).

Add Animation Module with its "proliferate-like" ability, and any kind of effect that places at least one +1/+1 counter on a permanent, and there you have your infinite counters. (as well as infinite token)

unos on Mono Green Ping

7 years ago

Have you ever considered inserting the (janky) two-card combo Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower ? The equipment fits Vorel, and the Sage of Hours too, for a 50% discount on the extra turns.

StopShot on

8 years ago

Temple Bell can give you more of an edge against Howling Mine, since you can take your draw right away with it rather than waiting for it on your next turn, so it practically cantrips for more. Also if your opponent removes your commander from the battlefield you can choose whether you want to give them card draw or not whereas Howling Mine would give them cards regardless.

Rites of Flourishing is nice, because it works well with Horn of Greed. If you have the two on the battlefield you draw a second card off your second land since it allows you to play an additional land. Though out of the three cards you picked out I would say Rites of Flourishing is the weakest to add in.

Dictate of Kruphix should probably swap out for Horn of Greed if you feel Rites of Flourishing is not worth the cut. This is mainly due to Flash being a useful keyword. The dictate can be played on your opponent's turn which is useful if you can't tell whether you should hold open counter spell mana up or not. Also Dictate consistently draws you cards whereas if you don't draw into a land you don't get the extra card draw from Horn of Greed.

Also there's infinite combo's you could add to this deck if you're looking for game-ender's. To name just one that would probably be the most impactful for this deck I'd recommend Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower . When the Illusionist's Bracers are equipped to Kiora's Follower the Follower gives you infinite untap triggers, because one copy goes to the follower and the other one goes either to lands, artifacts, creatures, etc. Anything that can untap your lands infinitely practically means you have an Omniscience on the battlefield.

Once you have that infinite combo there are multiple ways you can go from there. Temple Bell gives you infinite draws. (Mikokoro, Center of the Sea also works too if you add it.) Geier Reach Sanitarium which you could add to your deck also gives you infinite draws, or with your commander out you can constantly and instantly use it to force your opponent to discard their hand and force them discard after their every draw step practically locking them out from playing any non-instant speed spells, because they lose their cards before their main phase. You could also add either Laboratory Maniac or Elixir of Immortality as the win conditions by decking out with the maniac or cracking the elixir so your library doesn't run out and you end up decking them first. (Presuming your commander isn't on the battlefield for that second option.) You can make Hangarback Walker have infinite +1/+1 counters. Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip also gives you infinite draws if you activate his ability multiple times before letting a single trigger resolve. With all the draw power and infinite mana another win condition could be Leechridden Swamp with infinite life-loss without needing to cut an important card since it's a land and is tutor-able with your Polluted Delta and Bloodstained Mire.

If this combo interests you I'd consider adding Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Muddle the Mixture, Dimir Infiltrator, and Shred Memory which can tutor for either card.

I hope this has been of some help to you.

Tuema on The X Deck

8 years ago

Okay this deck disgusts the hell outta me.. its mean its unfair and it's just wrong.... if you play this in a multiplayer game it's only right that you tell and ask everyone to target you first other wise it's just unfair.

besides being able to get 15 or more mana on turn five.... ugh... by enchanting the same land with as many Overgrowth and Wild Growth and tapping then un tapping them over and over again with Kiora's Follower and Magus of the Candelabra

You can also get infinite mana using Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower every time he taps to untap somthing he can also untap himself. why only two Genesis Wave ? cause trust me it only needs two.

Lastley use Alchemist's Refuge to do EVERYTHING at the end of you're opponents turn....god this deck is ugly good ugh...

andjakrew on charging infinite artifact.

8 years ago

@Awesomemagex for the deck to go infinate Aphetto Alchemist makes it a lot easier. Since he says "untap target artifact or crreature" he can when equiped with Illusionist's Bracers tap to untap the artifact that needs charging and himself. Kiora's Follower on the other hand says "untap another targer permanent" this means that he cannot target himself and to go infinate you need two sets of Illusionist's Bracers + Kiora's Follower to be on board.