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Dorotheus on MagicalHacker - List of All 2-Card Infinite Combos
6 years ago
Elemental Mastery also works with Altar Golem.
OH here's a really esoteric one: Life and Limb + Sporemound
, and I previously mentioned Illusionist's Bracers + Tidewater Minion
on the forum page also, as mentioned above Aphetto Alchemist also works in that.
Dorotheus on Help me finish my list …
6 years ago
I've done Illusionist's Bracers + Tidewater Minion more than the people on the receiving end care to admit they don't know what Tidewater Minion even was. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
filthyc4sual on The Best 11-Card Combo
7 years ago
This is wrong, the best 11 card combo is:Grand Architect + Pili-Pala for infinite mana, then have Melek, Izzet Paragon, Wheel of Sun and Moon, Rishadan Pawnshop, One with Nothing, Venser, Shaper Savant, Elixir of Immortality, Illusionist's Bracers + Tidewater Minion for infinite untaps on Pawnshop (could be used for infinite mana if you have the right lands), and Enter the DungeonStart with: Grand Architect + Pili-Pala , Elixir of Immortality, Illusionist's Bracers + Tidewater Minion , Melek, Izzet Paragon, Wheel of Sun and Moon.Step 1: Crack Elixer. Shuffle your yard back in.Step 2: Cast Enter the Dungeon off the top.Step 3: Hold priority. Cast Venser, Shaper Savant to return the original Enter the Dungeon to your hand, then cast One with Nothing. Wheel of Sun and Moon triggers.Step 4: Use Rishadan Pawnshop to put all your permanents in your library.Step 5: Enter the Dungeon copy resolves. Start with a full libraryStep 6: Repeat until A: Opponent decks themselves or B: you can start conceding and climbing up your stack of tables until one player dies from the low air pressure. Preferably outcome B.
TheSpanishInquisition13 on Pay Your Phenaxs
7 years ago
If you're running Tree of Perdition, I suggest also running Triskaidekaphobia for the lols. Also, there are two other sweet infinite mill combos besides Mind crank and Guildmage/Ascension that are worth considering. Illusionist's Bracers + Tidewater Minion allows you to infinitely untap creatures you can use to mill your opponents. Deadeye Navigator can go infinite with Altar of the Brood if you have any creature that untaps lands on entering, like Cloud of Faeries + Palinchron + Peregrine Drake . The combo can also work if you have Sage's Row Denizen instead of the Altar since all of these are blue creatures. A struggle I had with my own deck is the lack of tutors. Since you're in UB, you can conveniently use any of the Transmute cards that can find your combo pieces if you feel like turning your deck into a more combo based one. Dimir Infiltrator + Muddle the Mixture + Shred Memory can all find you the Guildmage and Mindcrank (even Cloud of Faeries and Illusionist's Bracers if you end up running them) and Dizzy Spell can find Ascension and Altar. Another sweet card to consider is Disciple of Deceit which basically gives you a free Transmute on any non-land card in your hand whenever it untaps, allowing you to, ideally, search for anything. Now I don't know what your meta is like, but regardless board wipes are a must. Running your typical black board wipes like Damnation, Toxic Deluge, Decree of Pain, In Garruk's Wake, and Black Sun's Zenith is fine but you need ways to get rid of non creature permanents, a struggle for black. Cyclonic Rift + Nevinyrral's Disk are good for this.
cutthroat_hoplite on Chronic Banana Syndrome
8 years ago
A really cheap and funny way to get infinite mana is Illusionist's Bracers + Tidewater Minion
Dorotheus on Twin and Tokens [THB updated]
9 years ago
Divination is THE weakest card in the deck, but it's better than Harmonize and frankly not too many cards better for cheaper mana costs, but the card is not longed for this deck.
Archivist is a seemingly underwhelming card to all people, which is what makes him so powerful, and if he dies, I don't lose out on some crazy piece. However, with my Illusionist's Bracers
Tidewater Minion
combo he becomes part of a win-con with no end. Azami is just better in that sense, but solo she can dig me through my deck for pieces and answers, while playing my other 6 wizards that are in the deck, and 2 cards that can be.
Bounding Krasis is a combo piece with Kiki-Jiki or Splinter Twin, plain and simple.
I will never ever ever play cards that might give my opponent's more cards, life, or any resource in EDH. It's bad politics. So Well of Ideas Howling Mine and similar are never even considered.
Doubling Season
Jace, Architect of Thought
could be a win-con in many ways.
Kiora, Master of the Depths is a great idea though. She's like only $5 right now too... I probably need one.