MTG Combo: Insolent Neonate + Skin Invasion
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Midexin on
G/B Turbo Creature Ramp (SOI)
8 years ago
Nice. And yeah, the only deck the I've found that is fast enough is a deck that has Skin Invasion Flip. I made a mono-red version that abuses Insolent Neonate + Skin Invasion and Fiery Temper, and it's really flexible and fast, but I don't know how well it would actually perform. Though at sub-$20 I should probs just actually make it and go to an FNM or two lol. And RIP, Europe doesn't have enough Magic sanctioned events despite contributing lots of great players to the game, escpecially since the World Magic Cup champions were the Italians last year... and then there is Martin Muller.... Anyways, yeah, sweepers are the #1 reason I only contribute maximum 2 threats on a board at once, unless I'm a token deck lol. Unless, ofc, I'm not against a W or B player. But Kozilek's Return is still a thing.... and then there is the fringe playable Engulf the Shore.... I'm so scared O_O