MTG Combo: Intruder Alarm + Sliver Queen


aceman67 on Sliver tribal

9 years ago

Swap Sliver Queen for Sliver Overlord. You can just tutor for Sliver Queen, and he lets you get your Must Haves out to go infinite (Crystalline and Heart Slivers).

Also, consider getting Urza's Incubator to reduce the casting cost of Slivers, and Intruder Alarm for the following combo

Intruder Alarm + Sliver Queen + Manaweft Sliver or Gemhide Sliver

it lets you use your slivers to activate Sliver queen's ability, the token coming onto the battlefield untaps all creatures, you just went infinite.

Also, put Aphetto Dredging into your deck, the more graveyard return you have the better.

Screeching Sliver is also a must have. I've played games where I've gone infinite and couldn't win with combat damage (Avacyn, Angel of Hope + Guardian of the Gateless ), so having that sliver in your tool kit for when you go infinite lets you mill everyone's decks, its something that they won't be expecting.