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TheSurgeon on
9 years ago
Ir's hard to mill someone who doesnt want to be milled, and will often kill you before you get half way.
That being said, I'll put it bluntly: This deck has a very high average cmc for a mill deck, and is too slow.
If you want to go damage-mill, you may want to put in something like Invisible Stalker + Paranoid Delusions . The ciphered Delusions will work well with consuming aberration. But you have too many of those.. 2x no more.
Also, if you're going damage-mill, you have to commit to the mechanic. Take out the Mind Funerals, Mind Grinds, and the Traumatizes, and replace them with control cards: counters (Muddle the Mixture is good and can tutor Mindcrank or Duskmantle Guildmage), bounces, removal, draw; attack boosters like Distortion Strike, Artful Dodge, Ordeal of Thassa; some defense, Fog Bank, Drift of Phantasms..
If you're looking to mill with spells, commit to it. Take out the wight, the aberrations, the blizzard specter, and the mind grinds. Put in two more mind funerals, 4x Breaking, and replace the mind grinds with Tome Scour (this often mills more cards for than paying
There's more, but I'll let you consider what I've advised first.