MTG Combo: Iona, Shield of Emeria + Unburial Rites

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skoobysnackz on

8 years ago

Thanks! the easiest and quickest one that I would use against a one or two color aggro deck is Iona, Shield of Emeria + Unburial Rites , but that can be kind of boring and unsatisfactory. I haven't yet played with the deck, but I was thinking that Bruna, the Fading Light + Gisela, the Broken Blade + Unburial Rites and any other spell that is needed (Rune Snag is a good one because it helps when I can play the next one if it goes to the yard, or Supreme Verdict, Cryptic Command, even Snapcaster Mage could be useful). My reasoning for this package is that no mater what I will eventually be able to play the two creatures I tutor for. Either they put both Bruna and Gisela in the yard and we can use Unburial Rites on Bruna bringing back Gisela at the same time (best case scenario). Or one of the two goes to the yard (if your opponent is smart they will put Gisela in the yard and leave Bruna to be hardcast) and you can bring it back with the rites and hardcast the other. The worst case scenario I think would be putting Bruna and Gisela in my hand wasting the rites and whatever other spell I tutored. Even so it still puts two powerful creatures in my hand. The combo right now still needs work, but if anyone has suggestions on how to get Bruna out faster than hardcsting her I would love to hear about it. Likewise if anyone has an idea of a spooky good package for Gifts Ungiven let me know!

I think that one or two other sweepers definitely could be useful, I have Avacyn and Elesh Norn in the sideboard, but i'm always open to suggestions!