MTG Combo: Ivy Lane Denizen + Mycoloth

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outofborderline on Budgetus, the Discounted

9 years ago

Thoughts & Criticisms for Z!

Good Stuff!

Less Good Stuff!

  • True Conviction is WWW and you're not running a ton of effects that guarantee white. I'd rather see Archangel of Thune since at least it gives you more counters. Conviction just seems sooo awkward.

  • Just because you built a pre-con doesn't mean you don't run removal. I'm nearly disgusted by your lack of creature removal. Two creatures and two non-creatures isn't enough! Shriekmaw is a dude that kills stuff. Skinrender is a dude that kills stuff. Eater of Hope? Nekrataal?

Personally the big card I'd like to see in here is Mycoloth and preferably the removal of True Conviction since it doesn't particularly synergize with anything other than a maybe-board card.
