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sadcasual on
Combros Ultra Low Budget Version
8 years ago
Hi Aethos! Blind Obedience is playable because Extort is considered reminder text of the mechanic, not card text, for the purpose of color identity. It's a pretty odd rule, but a helpful one for decks like these! The core combo is flexible, which is part of the reason I used this general. The most obvious variation is Jeskai Ascendancy + Sprout Swarm , with a few creatures on the board. Playing the 'swarm with buyback untaps all your creatures, who can then tap to play it again. This draws through your entire deck, creates unlimited tokens, which themselves have arbitrarily high power and toughness. When you draw Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, you hold him until you get Anger in hand, then pitch Ulamog, getting your graveyard back in the deck, and then pitch anger on the next cycle, giving your saprolings haste. If you don't have a mountain, you dig until you find a relevant land or a land tutor, if you've already dropped your land for the turn. As a side effect, if you have the critical mass of creatures to repeat Sprout swarms,you will also generate unlimited mana, which makes it possible to also win by targeting opponents with Blue Sun's Zenith, or by digging until you find Laboratory Maniac. There are other variants on the combo though. Flame Jab + Jeskai Ascendancy + Life from the Loam is also infinite, replacing the draw trigger with a dredge, then casting life from the loam to get 3 lands, then casting Flame Jab either once or twice, depending on how many cards you want to draw on the cycle. This can also generate infinite mana, draw your entire library, and requires fewer mana generating creatures on the board, being possible with only a Fatestitcher and Gruul Turf. The fact that it can go off with only a single piece in play(ascendancy) and two to three in the yard is what drew me to this deck in the first place! Obviously Intuition would be massive in this deck, but the price limitations this version operates on necessities cutting it. Since I started working on it, more possibilities have emerged. Jeskai Ascendancy + Life from the Loam + Selvala, Explorer Returned is infinite as well, assuming you get reasonably lucky with your Selvala activations! Rather than relying on Flame Jab + Jeskai Ascendancy to get a draw for dredge, you use Selvala's activation. This is a bit risky, since giving your opponents massive portions of their deck is dangerous.I really should have put this stuff in the description, shouldn't I?