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Aric_Haldan on
Jeskai Ascendancy Cantrip Prowess (OGW)
9 years ago
@COUGARMEAT I would gladly give a myth to protect an ascendancy :p. and I must admit I don't always play ascendancy on t3, but sometimes on t4 combined with a cantrip. I also really like the idea of Jeskai Ascendancy + Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper , though I' think he's too high cost for this deck, I am going to try and build a version around that combo right now ;) I mean that looks bloody awesome
@DaftVader do not worry, I think you're explanation is quite clear and pretty interesting as well.
I however think that this deck can go late game because of cards like jeskai ascendancy, monastery mentor and cantrips, ascendancy's loot allows me to ensure that I draw cards that I can use (no lands f.e) and it's pump makes it hard for creatures like rhino to block as my creatures can often kill theirs and survive because of it and the untapping allows me to do the same thing on his turn when he didn't block and I still have those non-creature spells. monastery can build up an army and cantrips make it hard to exhaust me. I will be playing this deck next saturday, so I'll see how my late game chances are.
About ascendancy, I can often play 2 to 3 noncreature spells in one turn, creating a +4/+4 pump, that's why I like the extra prowess trigger especially because it is one in and of itself. And the loot is handy because a cantrip will not always draw you another cantrip and it can get rid of unwanted cards, making your carddraw more efficient. And on the turn that I could play Zada, Hedron Grinder I can play ascendancy and a cantrip. on the turn that i could play zada + a cantrip, I can play an ascendancy, and 2 cantrips, pumping my prowess creatures with +5+5 and allowing me to get rid of up to 2 lunwanted cards like land. that's why I personally prefer ascendancy.
about Myth Realized, I don't activate it every turn. I often wait until I've played my other creature spells before I let it out, but it really helps in going wide ( which works really well with ascendancy). and the many non-creature spells that I can play easily make it a 3/3 and often a 5/5 or higher. That's quite nice for a t1 play or an extra t3 play even if it takes a while before it sees any combat.
I think your more aggressive version with more seekers and abbots makes sense, though I like having some more versatility in this deck partially because of the looting ability of ascendancy allowing me to pick and choose... I might change it, but I'm going to try it out like this first.