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Shintome on
To Drown the World in Death: Araumi EDH [PRIMER]
3 years ago
Daedalus19876 I wanted to say that I really like your primer and it has been helping me shape up my budget list as many of the combo lines I've found are pretty easy on the wallet to pull off, so thanks! I also was curious what your thoughts would be on the combo of Kalastria Healer + Zulaport Cutthroat ? If you encore them both with Araumi and pull them both out, after sacrificing them you'll net a total of 36 damage to the table and 36 life to yourself for only four mana(and an untapper)!
Argy on
9 years ago
madcooie Rally the Ancestors is better than March from the Tomb for Kalastria Healer + Zulaport Cutthroat shenanigans, because you can return so many more Creatures to the field.
hawk393 on Budget Standard?
9 years ago
The two best decks I can think of are RDW token/burn and B/W allies/aristocrats. Use card like Kalastria Healer + Zulaport Cutthroat and March from the Tomb + Nantuko Husk . Add draw and removal spells along with other allies and you have a solid deck. It might cost 30 bucks if you already have the land. (Cause full art lands on t/o make the deck cost more). If you want I can post a deck list later, but im at work right now and font have it on t/o yet.