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TheLordStormCrow on
5 years ago
Mother of Runes and Stern Judge are not modern legal.
Giver of Runes is a close second to Mother of Runes which is modern legal, so that's a fairly easy swap if you like her in the deck.
Devout Lightcaster doesn't seem very good. I'm assuming you think that it can exile the opponent's lands when it enters, but lands are colorless, so Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth doesn't make them black.
If you're going hard on the plan of Karma + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth , you may want to consider Expedition Map as a way to more consistently find your Urborg .
Your mana base is pretty bad for modern, if you're not on a budget, then Temple Garden will be a good include, as green mana for Spreading Algae that also helps cast the rest of your deck, if you want more than 8 green sources, then something like Canopy Vista is fetchable, or Razorverge Thicket is a better one, but isn't fetchable.
Your gameplan needs some streamlining too, are you killing your opponent with Karma ? If so, destroying their lands with Spreading Algae seems pretty bad. This deck seems to play similarly to a hatebears/death and taxes deck, so you may want to take a look at some of those to see if you want any pieces from there (mana denial etc.)
BMHKain on
5 years ago
@king-saproling: This is going to sound weird, but I actually help for two decks this time. This is one of them. While it is already at 100, & 90% Competitive, I believe BOTH can be improved. Maybe I can kill 1000 Cockatrice with One Grain of Sand ? Just an expression. Anyways, what I want to improve upon is how good the Mass Burn Wraths are; As a thought, no part of it should be targeting anything it burns. It must be each opponent (or each player if in a pinch.), Each Creature, and/or each Planeswalker. I dun remember what was used for Gatherer Searches, but maybe you could research? Also want ways to protect my own creatures, possible Planeswalkers & yes, me. If friendly-fire targets me, I'd like some suggestions on how I can prevent it for my Creatures, Walkers, & me as the player. Finally, This deck seems to like its Instants & Sorceries; especially the Flashback ones. But I also wanted some suggestions for your average Non-Flashback Nonperms as well. I wonder if those meters have improved though... That said, For things that need to stay: The Landbase & rocks are fine unless you see Karma + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth as "Off-Color" (Apparently Yawgmoth's Tomb doesn't care about needing it's status in Color Identity... XP) I'd also like some Nonperm-friendly creatures unless what I got/had are fine.
Last Rule?: This is at 100 cards already; so no cutting, & only add to replace another card.
All that said, it's all you on this, & one other deck; one stated to be CHAOS based...
BMHKain on Sevinne Flashback (& more!), Mass …
5 years ago
@TypicalTimmy: True. This can count as a Spellslinger Deck. But this also has themes of Mass Burn via Mass Burn Wraths, & Self-Protection from Harm/Self-Harm. While the deck is at 100 now, I have made it into a slate that can help all 3 Subthemes; Yes, I completely understand 3 may be too many, but why did TappedOut allow Karma + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth despite the Mana Implicitly in spite of it out of these colors? I won't lie; this is one of my hardest to brew WIP decks; yes, I'm still working on it at 100. So I'm adding a new rule to replace the initial 3. I wonder how Spellslinger/Mass Burn Wrath/One-Side Protection can work...
...I hope you understand my clause as much as some others; Sevinne, the Chronoclasm has a lot going for him; much like the CMDR 2018 "Fails" forcing us to learn the HARD way: "Patience is a Virtue" ~ Cato the Elder; though not saying it this way, is overlooked by many, & codified the concept circa the 3rd to 4th Century A.D. (What...?!) Just think; at least one year might be all it takes for a Precon Primary to truly start their Prime. Good luck on suggestions... :)
Boscogn on NensouHiebara
8 years ago
Hello, I always find myself coming to your deck to see your opinions of mono white cards and why or why not they're useful to you. I feel like you have a very tested and through knowledge of mono white and was hoping you could critique my new mono white deck? I already know a combo I have Karma
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
will make you mad and it's more for flavor than anything else as each by themselves is a dead draw which isn't ideal. Anyways I'd still love to know what you think about it. Feel free to be brutally honest.
Darien, Karma's a Bitch!