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Art-n-Lutherie on
Kruphix the Master of the Helix
5 years ago
If you want to win with Helix Pinnacle, your best bet is generating infinite mana. Here’s some ways to do it with artifacts. I prefer artifacts with Kruphix cause he’s already interested in vesting stores of colorless mana.
- Grim Monolith + Power Artifact
- Basalt Monolith + Power Artifact
- Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth
- Aphetto Alchemist + Rings of Brighthearth + any rock that taps for 3 or more
- Aphetto Alchemist + Illusionist's Bracers + any mana rock
- Karn, Silver Golem + Voltaic Construct + any rock that taps for 3 or more